Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dad's Backyard Oasis ~ a Father's Day Giveaway Event

The Dad's Backyard Oasis giveaway event is a free blogger event. You will receive a single Facebook link at no charge as a thank you for participating in this event.

 Prizes: 20V MAX Lithium Drill/Driver 2-speed Quick Clean Sprayer 36V Lithium High Performance String Trimmer with Power Command Garden IQ Hand Tools Series — including pruners, hedge shears, steel trowel, culti-hoe, heavy duty hose nozzle, water hand hose attachment, miscellaneous safety items AND work gloves Total value of $500

 Currently only open to US (until sponsor confirms otherwise)

The event dates: May 20 at 12:01 AM. EST to June 3 11:39 pm. EST

What is required:
 1. Post an announcement on your blog by May 18, 2012 11:59 pm. EST.
2. You must publish the html in full provided to you concerning this giveaway on May 20 12:01 AM (I will check posts as of around 9am est that morning and will start deleting those who have not done so). 3. You must agree to mention the giveaway on Twitter and Facebook at least once after the giveaway has started!

 LIMITED TO THE FIRST 200 SIGN UPS! Options ~ * Additional links are available for $2 each (please send payment to via paypal as a gift OR add an additional $0.60 to send as a service) * 2 co-host spots open (see below)

To sign up, just fill out the form here

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