Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pagan Writers Community Monthly Book Club

Do you enjoy reading books about magic, Wicca, and paganism? Are you looking for some exciting new books to read and discuss with like minded people? Then the PWC Monthly Book Club is a great face book group to join. Every month they chose an exciting new book to read. It could be fiction or non-fiction. Often the books have a pagan flavor, but sometimes its just entertaining fantasy and science fiction.

This month, the group will be reading Phantom!  I am really excited to be able to interact with people as they're reading my book. If you are reading Phantom or were planning to, it would be wonderful if you joined the group. If you haven't gotten the book yet, the publisher will be offering an exclusive discount code for the e-book version for members of the group. If you prefer a print copy, it is available on Amazon.  Next month, we will be reading Taking 1960 by Rosa Sophia, which is an outstanding paranormal mystery written by my friend and editor. Here is the full line up for the  next few months.
May=Phantom by Laura DeLuca
June=Taking 1960 by Rosa Sophia
July=The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken
August=Stalking The Goddess by Mark Carter

If you would like to join this reading group, simple send a request and tell them that you were referred by Laura DeLuca/New Age Mama. This group is a subsidiary of the Pagan Writers Community face book page. Be sure to check them out and "like" them as well for lots of great writing work shops, advice, and general support from other authors and readers.

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