Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hunter S. Jones - The Next Big Thing (Guest Post)

Let’s start off today’s by giving a big shout out to Lucy Pireel for nominating me as The Next Big Thing and for inviting me to this blog hop. Thank you so much! This is my virgin experience at blog hopping and I am enjoying myself immensely-probably enjoying myself a bit too much, as usual, but that’s okay. It’s very flattering to have one’s work recognized by your peers.

My name is Hunter S. Jones, author of Fables of the Reconstruction, my debut novella. It is an historical fiction concept of zombies based on the Creole and Haitian voodoo stories. It sheds a whole new light on the zombie topic, so I have been told by the aforementioned Ms. Pireel in her fabulous review of Fables of the Reconstruction on

Hercules Publishing calls Fables of the Reconstruction “A New Genre” which is the greatest compliment a writer could or would ever wish to receive. The iconic musician, Gerg Anidem, said on his Empower Radio Show endorsed Fables by saying the book is “Erotic. Exotic. Hypnotic!” How cool is that?

Here’s a bit about me. I have always been a writer, mainly covering indie rock bands, fashion and a few historical and artistic features along the way. I do not know why I write, it is just an intrinsic part of my nature. Sharing the sensation and the experiences of my life are rewarding. Incredible imagination – you bet! I currently live in Atlanta, Georgia but my formative years were spent mainly in Nashville, Tennessee. Many things could be revealed about me and my life. However, nothing you will ever learn about me is as interesting as the art form I create. It is wonderful that you want to learn more about my life and my writing. The fact that you are reading this blog promoting me as The Next Big Thing is thrilling.

Now, I want to take this opportunity to introduce some of my favorite authors. You may already know some of them and others may be new to you. Either way, it is definitely worth your time to take a look at their latest work:

Steve Christie, author of Good Deed, a great Scottish crime novel. This is Steve’s first novel and you will be impressed by how well it is written.

Laura DeLuca, with whom I share a delicious secret, is your next need-to-know author. We can let you know more about our secret in the next few weeks. She just released a book this week, and it is named Morrigan.

GL Giles, co-author of Unputdownable Tales of Terror.
E. R. Pierce has a fun series you’ll want to read, Eating Out. This is one hot lunch.

Author Nicole Hill. Have a look at Legacy Forgotten (The Avalon Legacies)

Have a look at their latest work, purchase and also check out their blogs next week.

Now, let’s get on with it and talk about my debut novella and my own ‘little monsters’ as I lovingly call them.
What is the title of your book?

Fables of the Reconstruction. You can find it only on and only in ebook format. Buy it today and make me happy.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Fables of the Reconstruction is based on a series of dreams. I wrote this book while I was under an intense amount of physical pain following Achilles tendon surgery. Whether you like the book or not will depend upon your personal taste and I accept that. For me, this little book has given me a creative outlet to place all the pain and fears I experienced during and after surgery. Creative writing kept me from the depression that generally haunts everyone who has to undergo Achilles reattachment. I hope you enjoy reading Fables of the Reconstruction half as much as I enjoyed the experience of creating it.

What genre does your book fall under?

Paranormal, Erotic Fiction. I chose to call it Rock Romance. Maybe you could call it Historical Romance, Alternate History, Dark Fantasy or Horror. You can decide once you read it.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Pierre von Minzle is definitely Jack White. If Jack isn’t available, then I will consider Johnny Depp. I can imagine Charlize Thereon playing Mary Montague. As for Polly Poppet, I believe Helena Bonham Carter would be fantastic. George Wilson of the Buffalo Bills would be perfect as Jean Paul Rouselle or Waka Flocka could play him, too. They’re both in Atlanta, so maybe I’ll mention it to them. I’ll let you know what they say.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Fables of the Reconstruction is the story of a Belgian pimp in Victorian London who has a ‘magic’ powder and claims to be undead.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I currently self-publish.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

The completed first draft of Fables of the Reconstruction took about six weeks. The ideas and the concept presented themselves easily enough however, the historical and supernatural content took substantial research.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I really don’t have an answer to this question.

Who inspired you to write this book?

I had repeating dreams about the main character. I came to realize that his story needed to be told.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?

Fables of the Reconstruction is sexy and it has a story - a surprisingly different story. I believe it’s original, imaginative and highly entertaining. Read it and enjoy

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