Sunday, January 27, 2013

Join My Fan Club on Goodreads

The life of an indie author isn't always glamorous. Its a hard business with lots of competition, but every now and then, something happens that reminds me that it's all worth while. Today, I woke up to an email from one of my most loyal supporters. Lisa Markson is a book lover who goes out of her way to support all the authors she loves. She not only pimps my books but has become a trusted beta reader. Over the last few months, she has gone beyond being just a fan to being a wonderful friend. She has been such a great help, I even listed her in the acknowledgements of my most recent release, Player.

Today Lisa took things to a whole new level by creating a really awesome fan club for me on Goodreads. Knowing that I am often computer challenged, she took the time to make this group and I hope some of my followers will consider joining. This will be the first place that giveaways and new releases will be listed. You must have a Goodreads account to join, but if you do, just click this link and request to be added to the group.

Thanks again to  Lisa for being my #1 fan!!!  You have talked me out of slumps and giving me the encouragement to keep at this! Thank you for your support!

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