Friday, March 20, 2015
Guest Post - Three Ways To Boost Your Writing Career
These days, many aspiring writers are looking for simple strategies they can utilize to take their careers to a new level of success. If this is your professional goal, it's important to note that there are several techniques you can implement to make it happen. Here are three:
1. Do Not Avoid Controversy.
Writing is one of the most controversial careers an individual could pursue, especially if you opt to discuss polemical topics known for inciting anxiety and discord. In the event that you find your ideas or values critiqued or criticized by the public, it's a good idea not to avoid controversy. Instead, figure out how to defend or retract your views in a humble, intelligent manner. This helps you develop a positive public image while simultaneously drawing attention to your work. For example, successful writer Daniel Handler was recently critiqued for a racial joke he made while a woman was awarded the National Book Award for Young People's literature. Handler apologized for the joke and has gone on to continue cultivating his writing career.
2. Build A Blog.
Building a blog is another effective strategy you can build to boost your writing career. In addition to functioning as a form of internet marketing through which you can boost sales for your work, blogging can be a wonderful way for you to network with other individuals in the writing community. Additionally, there are many writers who built substantive names for themselves through the maintenance of a high quality blog. Once they've developed a strong online presence and an avid following, they are oftentimes capable of attracting attention from literary agents.
3. Write.
One of the biggest mistakes that writers make when attempting to cultivate their careers is that they neglect the practice of writing. This is debilitating in many ways, including the fact that it means one is not continually submitting fresh work to potential publishers. Neglecting one's writing work is also disadvantageous because it precludes you from building your vocabulary and learning how to write more effectively.
If you've decided that you want to become a writer, it's important to note that there are numerous things you can do to increase the likelihood that you will have great success. To ensure that you remain on the path to vocational mobility, be sure to implement some or all of the writing techniques outlined here. Good luck!
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