Genre: Paranormal Romance
If love can’t save them, there will be hell to pay.
Grateful for his mother’s human blood that cools the dark fire of his
demon father, Eban Heckmaster has set up a medical practice in New
Mexico territory. But there’s no hope of living a normal life until he
rids himself of a seductive demon that’s been pursuing him.
Vanquishing it won’t be as simple as sharpening his demon-hunting
sword. The clever creature is hiding inside his best friend’s head, and
she has no idea of the havoc she’s been wreaking, especially with his
Beryl suspects Eban knows why she’s been waking up with no memory of
where she’s been or what she’s done, but he’s not talking. But when she
inevitably learns what he’s hiding—or rather, what’s hiding inside
her—she wonders if her love for him is real, or an illusion created by
the demon’s lust.
Eban is losing the battle to hold his rising desire in check. There
may be only one way to extricate Beryl from the beast entangling her
mind. Call upon his demon blood…and offer it as a sacrifice.
Product Warnings
Contains a half-human, half-demon doctor who can heal anyone except
himself, and a woman who’d blush if she could remember the sensuous
torture she’s been inflicting on him. Could make you wonder if you
should start listening to the voices in your head…
Eban Heckmaster dreamed of becoming tangled in a river of gold. Soft
and silky upon entering, it turned deadly within moments. He couldn’t
breathe as it filled his nose. It bound his wrists, his ankles, blocked
his vision. So much and so warm, sweat broke out across his body.
He’d die cradled in a gilded nest.
And he was fine with that.
Anything was better than living with the knowledge that his brother had taken the woman Eban loved as his bride hours ago.
Eban’s lungs ached for breath and his eyes shot open. Startled by
weight settling on his abdomen, he tried to sit up, but two small hands
held him down. Thanks to his demon blood, it only took a moment to
adjust to the dark. In the nonexistent light, he peered up at Beryl
Brookshier’s angelic face. She gave him a wicked smile as long strands
of wheat blonde hair tickled his bare chest. He sucked in a breath when
he realized she was naked and a sheet was the only thing separating her
from his raging erection.
“What are you doing?”
The second the words were out of his mouth, Eban knew he wasn’t talking to Beryl.
“Ravish me, Ebaneezer.”
The demon used Beryl’s voice and body, but the thing talking to him
was far from human. The notion of taking its head off and sparing
himself a lot of trouble was tempting.
If not for the real Beryl’s trusting green eyes and bashful smile.
“That stopped being funny the first time you got naked in front of me.”
She caressed his cheek. “You were dreaming. I was trying to make your dreams more pleasant.”
He slapped her hands away. “You thought you’d tempt me into bedding
you and then letting some other parasite into my brain. That’s not going
to happen, Rosemar.”
“You want this body. Why deny it, Heckmaster?” The lust demon
glowered at him, her irritation creasing the smooth face she borrowed.
“Get off me.” He pushed her away, then grabbed the sheet as she slid off his chest.
“What I want is for you to vacate it, leaving Beryl’s mind intact so I can get out of Berner.”
Her pique faded, replaced by a sultry smile. “We’ve lain awake at
night imagining the coupling. This body twined around yours, the
friction of skin on skin. Hard muscles meeting soft curves.” Her green
eyes brightened mischievously. “Miss Brookshier has quite an
He tensed, flushing at her descriptions, but revulsion held his desire at bay. “She’s there with you, right now?”
Rosemar waved a hand. “She’s locked away, but she’s not as innocent
as you seem to think. This body is familiar with masculine touch.”
Eban suppressed a groan. “It’s none of my business. Nothing I’m interested in exploring.”
“Your body suggests otherwise. A simple sexual escapade isn’t a lifetime commitment.”
She twisted a strand of hair around her finger, pouting while she batted her eyelashes.
“It is where demons are concerned. You can’t stay in there forever,
you know.” He sat against the headboard, trying to ignore the way she
pressed her breasts forward.
“Can’t I?” The wicked grin returned. “You can’t get rid of me without killing her. You know that.”
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A love of reading inspired Allison Merritt to pursue her dream of
becoming an author who writes historical, paranormal and fantasy
romances, often combining the sub-genres. She lives in a small town in
the Ozark Mountains with her husband and dogs. When she’s not writing or
reading, she hikes in national parks and conservation areas.
Allison graduated from College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout,
Missouri with a B.A. in mass communications that’s gathering dust after
it was determined that she’s better at writing fluff than hard news.
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