Taunted Souls: A Friends to Lovers Romance
For the past five years, Lucas Akins has been in love with his best friend Shayna Davies. Anyone with eyes could see, even Shayna. Yet she’s been fighting off her own feelings too! As they attempt to continue a life together as just friends, the universe steps in and forces them to own up to their feelings. But life is never that easy. Bad choices and dark secrets filter into their lives to shatter the only real happiness either has ever known. And they are forced into circumstances neither is prepared to take on, though they must; otherwise, love might be lost. Forever...
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Janice Ross was born in Guyana, South America and migrated to the USA in 1980. Although her citizenship certificate now reads the United States of America, she considers herself a citizen of the world. Sure she has not physically been around the world and back, but she’s travelled in her mind and dreams. Janice enjoys Zumba, Kickboxing, and most exercise classes. When she's not pushing her physical limits, Janice spends time working on her craft, as well as lending a hand to other aspiring writers.
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