Hello, Today I'm very happy to host the upcoming Indie Short Film, Monstrum!(4CW Media Productions). Below the Monstrum Production Team gives an inside peek at how the unique retro futuristic look of the film originated. Also, meet some of the cast and crew behind the soon to be released cyberpunk fantasy!
Monstrum short film and up coming Web Drama consists of the cyberpunk and retro 1920s aesthetics to not only look fashionable, but for the characters to show pride for the teams they belong to and to go about achieving their goals. Read on to discover more about the characters and what went into their development!
This was chosen to show the sign of the times during the futuristic society of New Dallas and New Deep Ellum. This look consisted of clothes in various darker shades/colors such as black, gray, purple (sometimes white), and that are loose fitting and capable of withstanding the transient and sometimes active lifestyle of the hackers of Team Shadow. This team includes the members: the old team leader and head hacker Erica, the unofficial new team leader and skilled fighter Dominique Coutee, the android Tae, tech savvy Bombmaker, and the recovering addict Gabriel Caesar, son of Marcus Caesar. They have also been referred to as Team Blue not only because it is Dominique's hair color of choice, but because the color blue represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, intelligence, and above all: freedom. These meanings are the core of what keeps Team Shadow going no matter the odds, as well as the core of Dominique's battle to rid the world of the drug that removed her sister from her life forever and made her lose faith in the one she used to love.

Above (from left to right): Team Shadow with Erica, Bombmaker, Gabriel Caesar, and Dominique
Above: Dominique Coutee Coutee at the bottom
On Set: Behind The Scenes -Team Shadow with Dominique Coutee , the android Tae, and Erica and Bombmaker behind them working at the table.
This was inspired by the old mobster look of the 20s, and the futuristic Somnium dens in New Deep Ellum were also stylized by the speakeasies of that time period. Although a violent time, there was a sense of romance and excitement that made the people who went to them have the desire to leave all their troubles at the door. Team Caesar are in charge of majority of these Somnium dens, even though they still report to the head honcho which is Marcus Caesar. Team Caesar's clothes are more formal attire consisting of black buttoned up long sleeved shirts, vests, black slacks, and unmarred black shoes because their attire is made for them to appear classy but still lethal. Their members include: the leader Emile Caesar who is also the nephew of Marcus Caesar, the right hand man and head guard Alexander Vex, and all of the guards who follow orders to defend the dens and the drug Somnium. This team has also been referred to as Team Red not only because the guards' uniforms and the décor of the den Emile is in charge of are all red, but because the color red represents energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as underlying emotions of passion, desire, and love. Emile's state of mind is mainly responsible for the chosen color of red being Team Caesar's theme because he is determined to prove Somnium is worth the trouble of losing the love of someone he cared for.

Above: Emile Caesar
Above: The Guards of Team Caesar in the Somnium den accompanied by the android Tess who is sitting on the throne.
Above: Emile Caesar with a few of his guards
CREATION PROCESS: Costumer Victoria's SteamTrunk (Check them out! Just #click ETSY)
Both looks were not easily attained, and definitely required a lot of thought behind each decision. The production team and our costume designer, Jeanne White of Victoria's Steamtrunk , poured in days of research on both cyberpunk and retro 1920s looks to see how they would fit in the world of Monstrum. Then they both broke down each character as well as their back stories to see how they would dress for three reasons: to fit that character's personality, how they would look when the audience first sees them, and how that character would evolve. Finally, both the production team and Mrs. White were able to scour vintage stores and online catalogs to piece together each individual look, even going as far as Mrs. White hand-making some of the costumes herself.
Above: Costume designer Jeanne White of Victoria's Steamtrunk prepping and packing up the costumes for film day.
Above: The android Tess's 1920s inspired headband that the costume designer Mrs. White handmade.
We hope this gave you all a little more insight into the world of Monstrum and its characters! We thank you for taking the time to read this, and we thank _______ for sharing this! We hope you continue to delve into the Monstrumverse and follow our characters as they take on new foes and possibly each other. Lastly, we leave you with this: Team Blue or Team Red? Which are you?
Somnium is the Virtual Reality Escape which acts causes addiction and death in the upcoming Cyber Fantasy Monstrum. But the word can be tricky. Actor Angel Ray (who plays Gabriel Caesar in the film) helps us out with the correct pronunciation and he gives his thoughts on Monstrum! #Click to view!
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