Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Malfunction Erotica #Giveaway

Malfunction Erotica is Now Open for Submissions!


What is Malfunction Erotica?

Malfunction Erotica is one of the largest marketing platforms for self-published authors today. As part of the MaE team, you retain all rights to your manuscript. We are not a publishing house. Every author at MaE is a self-publishing author. You keep 100% of your profits.
As a marketing platform, we offer any authors that are part of our team full support when it comes to marketing and growing their brand.
Below is a list of all the benefits authors working with us receive:
  • 50% discount on all tour packages (cover reveals, release day blitz, promo, tours, etc.) through MaE Book Tours and Promo Stars Services.
  • Cover Designs starting at $25.00 (prices based on the author's vision of their cover and difficulty of putting it together.) To view our cover portfolio click here.
  • Discounted Editing services through MaE, Write Divas, and Promo Stars Services.
*As a self-publish author, you are not obligated to use all of the services mentioned above. You are more than welcome to use your own editing team or have your cover designed elsewhere, if you wish.


Check out the link to our Submissions page below the giveaway :D

{MaE Open for Submissions Giveaway}

This is our largest giveaway yet and we have to take the time to thank everyone that signed up to be a part of it. Please make sure you take the time to stop by each author's/blogger's page and show them some love ^_~

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Book Spolight & Giveaway - Island Bride by Danica Winters

SOR Island Bride VBT Banner

Wedding planner to the rich and famous, Amy Oliver isn’t the kind of woman to take a break even on a vacation. No, business first and then comes pleasure—or maybe not—she’d have to check her schedule.
When Amy selects to take a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to New Zealand, she finds herself using the trip to put her career first. But when life gets in the way of her work, she is forced to decide whether to follow the path of least resistance or forge a new path–a path that may lead to heartache as easily as love. What is a driven woman to do?

SORM excerpt

While she waited in the New Zealand hotel’s bar for her assistant, Amy Oliver’s thoughts wandered to Jason. After a long day like this, she used to slip her fingers into his as soon as she sank into their bed. His fingers would collapse around hers, as if they had waited all day for her presence. Yet, the longer she held his hand, no matter how hard or how light her grip, the less and less she had felt his touch. Before long, just as she had lost the feeling of his fingers night after night, she had lost his love—even though their skins had been pressed together.
The bar around her was almost empty except for a couple who sat in the shadows. Amy took a long drink from the glass of Chardonnay and sat it back down on the bar. Droplets of condensation pooled where her fingers had pressed against the glass. Love in a touch. Love lost in that same touch. It all depended on the force. How right they had been.
Why hadn’t she listened?
The Chardonnay tasted harsh and dry, but it was nothing compared to the Arctic chill that had invaded her core.
“You ready, Amy?” Her assistant, Honeysuckle, called from the door of the hotel lounge. A large binder was stuffed against her blood-red business suit, like it was the only life preserver in a sea filled with sharks.
What parent in their right mind would name their daughter Honeysuckle?
The woman perched on the tips of her Choo’s like she was ready to pirouette across the bar. Her red hair was pulled back with one perfect little curl framing her face. No matter the amount of hairspray or thousand dollar suits, Honeysuckle still carried the shame of an overly sweet-scented name that must have been given to her by a tribe of left-over lovechildren.
“Come on!” Honeysuckle made her way across the bar, unaware of the interruption she caused in Amy’s pity party. “The wedding starts tomorrow and the florist says they’re running late with a shipment. The orchids won’t be arriving until tomorrow morning and now he’s saying that there’s no way he can get all forty-seven arrangements completed before six.”
Amy dipped her finger in the pool of condensation on her wine glass and licked it from her fingertip. Her chance at love may have come and gone, but that didn’t mean she could ignore the ignorant bliss of those who paid her to fantasize about theirs. Happy hour was officially over.

SORM About the Author
Danica Winters is a bestselling author who is known for writing award-winning books that grip readers with their ability to drive emotion through suspense and often a touch of magic. She is also the Assistant Editor for Books To Go Now Publishing.
When she’s not working she can be found in the wilds of Montana working on her patience while she tries to understand the allure of various crafts (quilting, pottery, and painting are not her thing). She always believes the cup is neither half full nor half empty, but it better be filled with wine.
Author Links: Site       Facebook      Twitter
Check out book one The Empress of Ireland
Laila Byrne made a final promise to her friend. She will travel more and work less. After sticking a pin in a map of the world, she heads off to Ireland.Laila’s trip doesn’t work out as planned, but the mix-up results in a chance encounter with a handsome Irishman, Alasdair.
Alasdair spends all his waking hours trying to figure out how to keep his family’s century old pub, The Empress of Ireland, open for business. He doesn’t have time for anything. But when the lovely American comes across his path, will he find time?
Once you come to Ireland, you may never leave.
Buy Links: Amazon 
SORM Giveaway
 Danica is giving away two e-book copies of Christmas Romance Anthology, and five Swag Packs (US only)
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Spotlight - Too Hard to Resist by Olivia Starke

SOR Too Hard to Resist VBT Banner

Genre: Erotic Contemporary Romance
Jamie knows Mark is all wrong for her, but he’s so damned hard to resist.
Jamie Shultzer’s life is in a tailspin. Her husband has left her for another man, and to top it off, she’s stranded on a desolate highway in the middle of Nebraska. The last thing she needs is another complication, especially when it shows up as the tall, sexy as hell, and much too young for her, Mark Adams. Though to be fair, he’s only ten years too young, and she has to find some way to repay him for rescuing her.
Mark wants to be the good guy and leave Jamie alone. After all, her son is his friend and Jamie is in the middle of a divorce. But he’s been smitten with her since the first time he laid eyes on her years ago. Now that she’s available, it’s hard to say no to her sweet tasting lips, and even harder to walk away from her willing body.
Is this the start of something wonderful, or a disaster in the making?
Content Warning: contains graphic sex and explicit language

SORM excerpt

Jamie’s car rolled to a stop by the curb in front of her home. Mark hopped out and started undoing the chains that he’d attached to the undercarriage of her vehicle. She got out of the truck and stared at the dark front porch. It looked so vacant and unwelcoming.
“Don’t drive it until you fill it with coolant.” Mark gave the hood of her car a pat. “Or at least water.”
“Okay, where do I put said coolant or water?”
In the glow of her security light, Mark gave her a grin that could be called nothing less than dashing. Crooked, with the adorable dimple that she remembered when he’d made a brief appearance at her son’s college graduation party. He walked past, a little too close, and his body brushed hers. He smelled of clean wet earth. The black t-shirt he wore fit the play of toned muscle beneath it to perfection. Jamie licked her lips; she’d like to approach him like a popsicle. Lick him head to toe and back up again.
They’d seemed to have shared a moment of chemistry while driving back to her place. She grasped onto the way Mark had looked at her. The way a man looks at a woman he desperately wants to kiss. Jamie couldn’t remember the last time she’d experienced such a feeling. It’d been startling and she’d panicked.
Mark reached inside and popped the hood before walking to the front of her car.
“Come over here.”
His voice was low, gravelly, seductive, and she floated toward his command like a moth to a flame. She’d come anywhere, and anytime, with him. Bad porn music started to play in her head. Bom chica wow wow.
She squeezed her eyes shut. Good God, she would be in the middle of a messy divorce soon, what the hell was wrong with her?
“You’ll want to put it in here.” He pointed to a part of the engine that looked like a square plastic container.
Her head was swimming; lack of oxygen most likely. Her blood had rushed south to her naughty regions.
“Okay.” Her voice squeaked, and she cleared her throat.
“You don’t want to fill it to the top, her unit can’t take that. Just put it to here.”
Oh, come on! The double entendres were killing her.
She couldn’t help but notice his long, strong fingers. Long fingers might mean a long…
“Uh-huh, great.” She bit into her top lip until it stung.
“So, that should be it.” He dropped the hood and brushed his hands together. “Do you need anything else, Mrs. Shultzer?” It was an open-ended question on his part that left Jamie with way too many answers.

Buy Links: Beachwalk Press 
SORM About the Author

Olivia Starke calls the Ozarks home. One of the most beautiful areas in the country, she loves hiking trails with her dogs, kayaking on the numerous waterways, and enjoying southern Missouri’s fresh air and sunshine.
She’s also ‘Mom’ to four dogs, a growing number of kitties that show up at her door, and four VERY spoiled horses that do little to earn their keep. Not that she’d ever hold that against them.
She’s a HUGE fangirl of Doctor Who and to a lesser extent Supernatural, and has a pretty interesting love triangle (or square?) going on in her head between the Doctor and the Winchesters.
Author Links:  Site     Twitter    Facebook

SORM Giveaway

Olivia is giving an eCopy of Hard to Resist to one lucky winner during her tour.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, April 25, 2014

Book Spotlight - Jude; The Fallen!

It’s been a long wait over the past year, but we can finally come down off our tenterhooks and breathe a sigh of relief. Jude, the second of The Fallen Series, is here! Pick it up and see where Jude’s journey takes us!

Six angels once sat at the right hand of The Almighty, but an ill-fated decision cast them out of Heaven. Now they serve Him on Earth, slaying demons for their redemption. They are…The Fallen.
“Remember, angel, all ways in the end return to Me.”
Jude knows pain. He feels it with every inhale and exhale of breath. It is a constant on his mind and on his skin; a reminder of the depth of his disobedience. And his cruelty. With his fall from grace, he walks the Earth with his brothers, their steps set on a shadowed path to redemption, killing demons in His name. The angel of Vengeance may not have his wings, but he still burns.
Coriander Rhodes finds things. The intrepid little archaeologist sniffs out relics buried for eternity with the determination of a bloodhound and the arrogance of the devil. Her brash nature and bold tongue keep the big angel on his toes, inflaming and infuriating him at the same time.
When danger strikes at the heart of the angels’ inner circle, Jude discovers he is faced with a task far greater than he has ever known. The light must be protected at all costs, in all of its forms. The ultimate evil has a plan, and with the most innocent among them at stake, Jude knows he’ll finally have to face his sins and meet the pain in his soul dead on. Coriander’s touch is the only thing that soothes, but is it enough to make him whole? Can she help him work through the pain long enough to remember his faith, or will he be forever…fallen?

Jude in all his glory!

Jude stared at the blinding white of the bathroom tiles, gleaming back at him with their pristine cleanliness. There was a reason he was here, a reason he stood at the threshold of the doorway with the small blade in his hand. It was a steely and dangerous little thing he’d nicked from Elijah as soon as they got here. He missed the obsidian dagger. He hadn’t realized how much. The Almighty had seen fit to take it and transform it into a demon-killing sword that belonged in the hands of Lucius. Now it was gone. Much like its previous owner, lost to him in every way. Coriander belonged to the dark-haired Alex and the little girl. He didn’t belong to anyone.
The tremor started in his foot and worked its way up his leg, urging him to take the step into the bathroom, but he could not make it move. His vision warped and tunneled outward, and the bathroom rippled, beckoning him to breach the door jamb. Seeing her walk through the door had ripped open every wound he thought had healed. And even though she had made it perfectly clear she wanted nothing to do with him when she left, there was the tiny, hidden part of him that held on to the memory of his lips on hers. Because there had been no pain.
Everything hurt. All the time. Touch was agony. But when his lips met hers, the expected jolt never came. She had been hot and sweet, and the release from the pain had been instant, snuffed out like a candle. And when she shot him, it all came back. If he were honest with himself, he could admit to being grateful for the slug to the leg. He was so used to the constant and ever-present ache in his body and bones, and the sudden reprieve at Coriander’s kiss had thrown him for a loop. The gunshot simply grounded him.
Now she was back in his life, all guns and fire and fierce beauty, with a boyfriend and kid in tow. And here he was, back in this never-ending ritual of pleasure-pain that kept him in a perpetual vacillation between guilt and despair.
No. He was done with this. Never again.
Jude dropped the blade to clatter on the tile floor of the bathroom and turned on his heel. There were other ways to deal with this problem. It was time to drink.

Where do I find out more about the authors?
Tara Stogner Wood

Lorecia Goings

And where do I get my hands on Jude? Ebook – (no link yet, will send closer to the date) Ebook - (no link yet, will send closer to the date)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Book Spotlight - Affair in Athen by Matina Nicholas


Affair in Athens is a story of international intrigue and romance that chronicles a woman’s journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Athena Vallas travels to Greece to research her grandfather’s heroic role as a Greek Orthodox priest during the Resistance and discovers a part of her family she didn’t know existed.
She meets dangerously charismatic shipping magnate Luke Lambros, who involves her in a tangled web of an inept Greek government, a band of Roma gypsies, and a kidnapping.
Her attraction to Luke and his extravagant lifestyle is intense until she discovers he plays a high stakes game of illegal pursuits. When she attempts to distance herself, Luke refuses to relinquish his plan to make her his perfect wife. Ruthlessly, he keeps his eye on the prize—Athena—who won’t compromise love for wealth or fidelity for lifestyle.

Where to Buy

Amazon            Barnes & Noble 

Author Bio:

With a background in English and education and a dedication to transmit her love of writing to her students, Matina Nicholas taught writing and literature at university and high school levels. She has been published in educational texts, professional periodicals, and journals. Currently, she writes for the Condo News under the name Tina Chippas. Her writing pieces can be read at under Commentary and Essays.
A confirmed dog lover, Matina is involved with her two dogs, Chelsea, a geriatric-but-far-from-over-the-hill toy red poodle and Lukie, a spunky, stubby Miniature Pinscher. Their eagerness for adventure and fine canine dining is the source for some of her essays for the Condo News.
This is her first novel.

Connect with Matina

Face book         Website


The old priest’s Byzantine chant, the heady smokiness of burning incense, the power of icons hundreds of years old staring down on her intoxicated her senses. She looked about the ancient Greek Orthodox church tucked under the Parthenon with a deep sense of awe and respect. This was where her grandfather had been priest for fifty years, where her mother had been christened and prayed and left behind so long ago. There were no pews, no chairs in this church. After all, “orthodox” meant upright. Dozens of candles in ornate brass candelabras flickered and cast mysterious shadows.
Athena’s eyes brimmed with tears. The altar swam before her. She was overwhelmed with a sense of coming home, of belonging. She knelt, covering her face with her hands, remembering her mother’s last days. Filled with love for her daughter, Amalia grieved that she would not live to see Athena married or have children. How could any daughter deny her mother’s last wish? Athena had promised to visit the tiny church in Plaka, learn of her Greek roots and her grandfather’s role in sheltering Jews during the Resistance.
Tears slipped through her fingers and dropped to the stone floor, the same stones where her grandparents had stood when they married, baptized their children, where their coffins had rested before they were buried. This was where her grandfather and his parishioners heroically stood when the Nazis trained their machine guns on them—Father Peter, in his black robes, face and arms raised in prayer, radiating strength and courage to his parishioners as they stood facing him. They had done God’s will by hiding and smuggling the Salonika Jews out of Athens into the remote countryside.  Pater Ev-lo-i-son Emas. Father bless us,” they chanted, their voices abruptly silenced by the sharp, staccato bursts of the machine guns.
“My daughter.” Athena felt strong hands on her shoulders. She raised her tear-stained face to see an old priest in the customary black robes, looking down at her. His bright blue eyes peered over his wire spectacles, his face creased in concern. “I am Father Nicholas. My child, how can I help you?” His English was quite good.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day Sale! Get the Forgotten Pharaoh for only $1.99!

It's Earth Day and what better way to celebrate than with reading a good book out in the great outdoors. You can get your hands in the dirt with Julie and the whole crew of The Forgotten Pharaoh as they unearth secrets best left buried in the sands of time. Get your copy today for the sale price of only $1.99!


Julie Gerber isn't thrilled to be pulled out of school her senior year to follow her parents halfway around the world to unearth a lost pyramid. However, when the cute British guy and the mysterious financier of their project both fight for her attention, things start to get interesting.

The pharaoh known as Djedefre was cursed for the murder of his eldest brother. The work of the archaeologists brings new secrets to light, ones that prove the fallen god-king wasn't the villain history had painted him to be. Can they prove his innocence?

As the team digs deeper into the mystery, members of the party vanish or end up dead. Someone is determined to keep the truth hidden at all costs, even 4,500 years later.

 Be sure to add The Forgotten Pharaoh to your to-read list on Goodreads and check it out on Manic Readers!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Book Review: Writing Wild - Crafting the Pagan Memoir byT.J Burns

Where has the road taken you? What wisdom have you gained on this journey?

The world needs our stories, tales of both passion and pain. Told from your deep truth, the words can cleanse the soul and heal the heart.

Writing Wild was crafted for new writers and non-writers who identify with an Earth-based spiritual path. It combines writing assignments with personal ritual, guided meditation, and other exercises to connect a budding memoirist with their own story on a deeper level.

Unlike other books on the art of writing memoirs, Writing Wild approaches the subject in a manner that is both practical and magical.

Where to Buy

Amazon      Smashwords    Barnes & Noble

About the Author

 T.J. has been writing stories, poems and bad one-act plays for as long as she can remember. At midlife, and after many other career paths, she turned once again to her first love - writing. In 2008 she earned a MFA in Writing from Goddard College. Today writing is both her passion and her profession.

As a young girl, T.J. and her family were members of a fundamentalist sect of Christianity. In 1990, after years of internal conflict over what she'd been taught as a child and what she'd come to believe as an adult, T.J. came to the Goddess path when she "accidentally" attended a women's Full Moon ritual and discovered that witches were not at all what her upbringing had taught her. In both of her spiritual incarnations, she understands what it's like to be judged as odd, or even dangerous, by mainstream society. That's one reason why T.J writes for and about those who dance to a different drumbeat - the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

My Thoughts

Writing Wild is a step-by-step guide on how to create the perfect memoir. The author offers tips for organizing your ideas and setting reasonable goals, but also merges the writing process with  spiritual practices. Each chapter outlines one step of the writing process and ties in it with a beautiful ritual that will open your mind and your heart to a deeper level of creativity.

Though primarily geared to those writing a memoir of their spiritual path, there are plenty of ideas in this book that will appeal to writers of all genres. I am a fiction writer, but so many of my stories contain pieces of my own experiences that I found a lot of useful information in this book. I especially enjoyed how the author likened each step of the editing process to the elements. Using these steps is helping me add another dimension to my work. I would recommend this book to anyone who lets spirit guide them in their writing.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring Book Blast and Virtual Book Party #Giveaway

Welcome to the Spring Event April 18 - March 5
We are having a Book Blast and Virtual Book Party. Check out the books sponsoring and content below
GiftedCoverEven in a world of freaks, being a Firestarter is considered a dangerous Gift. Lucy was born with the ability to create and control fire. She longs to leave the human world for one filled with Earthshakers, Transporters, and Chameleons, to name a few. When she rejoins the circus, it’s everything she hoped it could be—new friends, a potential love interest or two, and a place where she can be herself. When troupe members begin turning up dead, however, Lucy is suspected of foul play. She must not only prove her innocence but also realize the full extent of her power. To find the real murderer, she must uncover the truth behind her father’s fiery legacy while figuring out whom to trust within her new circle. Little does she know the history of the Donovan Circus and its enemies might actually destroy the entire gifted world. Buy on Amazon First-ImpressionChira Kelly thought she didn’t need anyone…until she met Ben. Because of one ugly rumor, Chira lives as an outcast at her school. Which is fine with her, because she works better alone. Always has, always will. And at least she has her one and only true friend, Tasha. When Tasha insists that they join a group to visit a possibly haunted abandoned old schoolhouse, she's wary, but joins her friend. Because of that decision, their lives are in jeopardy as a malevolent spirit targets the group. Tragedies and accidents pick them off one by one, and Chira finds herself drawn to the one person who can see the truth. But can he protect her? Buy on Amazon Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00020]Get into more TROUBLE with The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book Two. And Remember MAUCs Series One is Free Lynlee Lincoln isn’t just a witch, she’s also a Neutralizer. Her job is a juggling act to keep magical and undead clients out of trouble. But getting back together with her old flame throws one more ball into the mix and romance with a guy who has two kids can get complicated. When her old mentor asks her to investigate the goings-on of a dark witch, things turn messy. The witch is stalking supernatural creatures to collect ingredients for a potion that Lynlee can’t seem to figure out. To keep those closest to her from becoming the next victims, she may have to confront the demons within herself. Buy on Amazon FINALUnquenchableSWNell Massler is a powerful witch from an ancient magical family. Before she was eighteen years old, she attempted murder—not once, but twice. Committed to a psych ward, she attempts to right her wrongs and almost loses her life. While she’s lost in a coma, Caruthers Initiative Institute develops a vested interest in waking Nell—and offering her a chance at redemption. Nell is given a fresh start in exchange for saving her fellow agent, Rafe Brooks. Keeping him alive and in hiding will require every ounce of her extraordinary abilities. Not falling head over heels for the sexy mind manipulator will take a miracle. It's when they uncover a plot to destroy the world that Nell will be put to the test... will she choose Rafe and to do the right thing? Or will she succumb to the temptation of evil yet again? Buy on Amazon Sweet-Oblivion-Cover-Art_new_2-22-2014When two worlds collide, nightmares become reality. Have you ever wanted to forget? Nariella Woodlinn has. Many times. Especially when her already frustrating life gets turned upside down by a mysterious boy who randomly shows up in her small town. And she can’t seem to understand anything about him, despite how much she tries. ?Nari hates everything about her life, except for her best friend Rydan, but now that they’ve been separated during their senior year of high school, she has to learn to make new friends without him. When strange, unexplainable phenomena start becoming an every day part of her life, Nari struggles to come to grips with reality. And with love. Get FREE on Amazon Control You - Jennifer SnyderKind hearted and naive, Paige Jacobs wants what every girl craves…to be loved. She uses this need to make excuses when her current boyfriend goes from being a tad jealous and slightly overprotective to stalker-ish. She isn’t that girl and Craig isn’t one of those guys. Things are fine. Perfectly fine. Until the moment a dark-haired, tattooed hottie with a snarky mouth walks into her life and tells her she deserves better. Confident and boldly spoken, Cameron Green has always been the guy bad girls can’t get enough of and all the good girls want to tame. He’s lived a lavish lifestyle filled with drugs, women, and alcohol up until his destructive path finally caught up with him. Now Cameron isn’t sure what to do with himself or how to dampen the longing for something more festering inside of him since coming out of his drug-induced haze. But when he meets a doe-eyed girl who gets past his walls like no other, everything about him clicks into place. Together the two learn there are emotions that hold within them all the power to control you. Buy on Amazon Destruction-Sharon BaylissDavid Vandergraff wants to be a good man. He goes to church every Sunday, keeps his lawn trim and green, and loves his wife and kids more than anything. Unfortunately, being a dark wizard isn't a choice. Eleven years ago, David's secret second family went missing. When his two lost children are finally found, he learns they suffered years of unthinkable abuse. Ready to make things right, David brings the kids home even though it could mean losing the wife he can't imagine living without. Buy on Amazon hand_new_rose_finalA dark shadow stalks the night, watching her—waiting to claim what is his. Seventeen-year-old Tayla Jonas longs for a simple life, but after a traumatizing family loss, she is forced to be both mother and sister to her cousins while caring for her mentally unstable aunt. Moving to her grandma’s quiet town of Cody, Wyoming, Tayla finds some normalcy with her quirky green activist friend, Chel, who spends no time converting her to vegetarianism. A few weeks into her new school, Tayla catches the eye of Kyle Harrington—the high school quarterback and resident millionaire—who can seduce any girl with his charismatic charm, including Tayla. But Kyle is anything but what he seems... Buy on Amazon Redemption CoverBe careful what you wish for. When the breakup of her family forces Grae White’s mother to move her two children from their privileged city life to her hometown in the mountains of Virginia, all Grae wants is to be invisible in her new life. But that’s rather hard when everyone knows that her father is the latest headline-grabbing white collar criminal, the most popular boy in school wants to take Grae to the prom, and then there’s that she lives in a haunted mansion. It would make anyone want to get away. Grae soon learns that a simple wish can reveal an unknown ability. Something more than curiosity spirals Grae back in time to seek the truth in the tragedy of a 200 -year-old murder. Along the way, she learns about history, happiness, and heartache in the lives of those who have lived on the property, including her own family. Her first journey reveals secrets that will lead Grae to further explore the legends of Graham Mansion. Buy on Amazon weeksebookIs eight weeks enough time to earn back the love of someone you've betrayed...the only one you've ever loved? Shelly has been in love with Cal since they started dating in eleventh grade. Despite everyone saying that the odds were against them, they got married after graduation and built a life together. Now, six years later, she is faced with the ultimate betrayal. Devastated, her first instinct is to call it quits… After a drunken binge at his best friends’ bachelor party, Cal betrays the one person who has always been there for him, his wife, Shelly. Terrified and realizing she might divorce him, Cal must come up with a way to prove to her that his love is true… Buy on Amazon Death of the Body_mediumI grew up in a world of magic. By the time I was ten I understood nature, talked to the trees, and listened to the wind. When the kingdom of men conquered my town, I was murdered by one of my own—the betrayer of my kind. But I didn't stay dead. I woke to find myself in a strange new world called Los Angeles. The only keys to the life I remembered were my father’s ring, my unique abilities, and the onslaught of demons that seemed hell-bent on finding me. Now I must learn who I really am, protect my friends, get the girl, and find my way back to my beloved hometown of Orenda. Buy on Amazon KoF NEW Amazon GR SWJoclyn Despain has been marred by a brand on her skin. She doesn't know why the mark appeared on her neck, but she doesn't want anyone to see it, including her best friend Ryland, who knows everything else about her. The scar is the reason she hides herself behind baggy clothes, and won't let the idea of kissing Ryland enter her mind, no matter how much she wants to. The scar is the reason she is being hunted. If only she knew that she was. If only she had known that the cursed stone her estranged father sent for her 16th birthday would trigger a change in her. Now, she is being stalked by a tall blonde man, and is miraculously throwing her high school bully ten feet in the air. Get for FREE on Amazon Ambers faerie tale for SW and BNYou asked for it, you've got it... Amber's story! If you haven't read Enlightened, it is recommended to read that book before reading this novella. As a matter of fact, if you haven't read it...don't read the synopsis of this book....or pay attention to the title. By continuing to read, you're taking it into your own hands that you're reading a spoiler. Don't write me and say you had no idea and now you're scarred for life. Nope, you can't say those things. Amazon Best Selling Series - age 13+ You're reading at your own risk. I'm warning you to turn your eyes and run and read the first two books before going any further. Get it for FREE on Amazon 2c4d41a532869294dced04542202f3fafd69ab6d-thumbFifteen-year-old Therese watches her parents die. While in a coma, she meets the twin sons of Hades—Hypnos (the god of sleep) and Thanatos (the god of death). She thinks she's manipulating a dream, not kissing the god of death and totally rocking his world. Than makes a deal with Hades and goes as a mortal to the Upperworld to try and win Therese's heart, but not all the gods are happy. Some give her gifts. Others try to kill her. The deal requires Therese to avenge the death of her parents. With the help of Than’s fierce and exotic sisters, the Furies, she finds herself in an arena face to face with the murderer, and only one will survive. Get it for FREE on Amazon INOPERATIVE FINAL  200x300Introducing a new series by Award Winning Author, Charity Parkerson: Generation Automation is upon us. The craving to own the latest and greatest technology in the name of convenience has created a world where man and machine live alongside one another in an unsteady peace. Humans still rule for now. However, an underground movement has begun that will change everything. For every arising enemy against humanity, a countermeasure is born-- Alexia is one of the few humans left who'd rather not have an android hanging over her shoulder all day.... Get it on Amazon   agelessseaThe crash was no accident. Fate carried Brady and his airplane to the isolated island where Karis was banished to live alone. She feared the worst as she sifted through the wreckage, sure that no one could survive. But there he was, barely breathing yet still alive. The closer she got to him, the more her powers awakened. He was like a magnet she was drawn to. Maybe it was the years alone that left her yearning for companionship, or maybe it was the taut muscles in his arms that beckoned her to come closer, either way she had a hard time controlling her thoughts. She knew things about him that he couldn’t remember, things that were blocked from his memory. He wasn’t from earth either, and she needed his help to save both of their worlds. But the closer she gets to Brady the more she knows her world is with him.... Get it on Amazon immortalvoyageBefore the time of the great pyramids, there was a place like none other, a city of glass and metal rising from the depths of the ocean. Shrouded in mist, the island of Hy-Brasil and its capital Atlantis lay hidden from the rest of the world by its people, a race of long lived, interstellar nomads. What secrets would you keep to save your kingdom? On the Queen’s deathbed, the sonless King Aldric is force into a promise to allow his five daughters to marry for love. A promise he wished he had never made,and one he will have to break, to save the kingdom from his squabbling, incompetent son-in-laws... Buy on Amazon   Edge-of-Eden-Mandie-Stevens-672x1024Anya thought she had an eternity to put her life back together after the Council of Alchemists exiled her. Just when she started to find her place in the world again, disaster struck. Someone witnessed the gifts she had tried desperately to keep hidden. Now the Council is back with an offer she can’t refuse: join them in their quest to take over the supernatural community or lose the life she worked so hard to rebuild. Trying to find a way out of helping the Council, Anya lands in a heap of trouble. A string of sacrifices that point directly to her. Now she’s on a path to discover a deception that could destroy the world as she knows it. With the life of her friends and loved ones on the line and Heaven and Hell on the brink of a Holy War, only Anya can put a stop to the apocalyptic nightmare. Coming in May. Sign up for Emails REB150Romantic Edge Books began when nine authors’ love of writing and reading collided. The genres in which they write may differ, but one thing remains the same: romance. Whether it’s panty ripping or stolen looks, the girls of REB know how to make their pages smolder. Sign up for their Emails     These authors are giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a Book Boyfriend T-shirt from Romantic Edge Books. 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