Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pre-Order The Last One by Tawdra Kandle

  Meghan Hawthorne is restless. The last year has been a roller coaster: her widowed mother just married a long-time family friend. Her younger brother unexpectedly became a father and a husband. Everyone's life is changing. . .except for hers. As she begins her final summer of college, Meghan's looking for excitement and maybe a little romance. Nothing serious; this girl just wants to have fun.

But the only man for Meghan turns out to be the last one she expects.

Sam Reynolds doesn't need excitement, and he doesn't want romance. Fun is out of the question. He's been the steady, responsible one since his parents were killed, and serious is his way of life.

When Sam rescues Meghan alongside a dark Georgia backroad, she falls hard for his deep brown eyes and slow drawl. But making him see her as more than just a party girl won't be easy. Sam's tempted by the fiery young artist, even as he realizes that giving into his feelings will mean radical change. . .maybe more than he can handle.

Nobody ever said love was simple.  

Pre-Order NOW at Amazon and Smashwords for only 99 cents!

Release Date: September 28th

  Tawdra Kandle has been a writer since the invention of the pen. Her first published work appeared in Child's Life magazine when she was 13. After a brief, thirty-year hiatus, she published a young adult quartet, The King Series. More recently, she's released contemporary and paranormal romances in both the adult and New Adult genres. Tawdra lives in central Florida with her husband and children, of both skin and fur types. And yes, she has purple hair. Follow Tawdra on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram/Website/Newsletter

Friday, August 29, 2014

Summer Book Event: The Blink of her Eye & Obsession - #Giveaway

SORM Beach Party Blink-Obsession
Genre: Suspense

The Blink of her Eye
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THE BLINK OF HER EYE will entice you, excite you and leave you asking for more. A must read for those seeking a blend of romance, mystery and eroticism.

While investigating patient complaints as the hospital’s compliance officer, Anika is attacked by a man claiming she murdered his wife. After wickedly seductive Gabriel rescues her, she knows she isn’t quite dead when all she thinks about are his eyes devouring her in a single glance.

As Anika recovers, she receives a note urging her to ‘Stop the Murders.’ But she’s clueless as to who is about to be killed. Bewildered, she accepts Gabriel’s offer to unravel the mystery behind the message.

With the death toll rising, Gabriel refuses to deny his erotic compulsion for Anika while tracking down the murderer. Equally consumed by her own insatiable passions, Anika leaves them both vulnerable to life-threatening dangers. Their obsession to be together will either save or destroy them as well as hundreds about to be killed.

“You bitch, you killed her,” Vinny growled at me in a throaty half-whisper. He seized my cringing shoulders and barricaded me beside his dead wife’s hospital bed. His vise-like fingers were wrapped around my neck. I gasped for air as he crushed my throat.
Aiming to break free, I kneed my elderly attacker in the groin. My retaliation was short-lived as he pummeled my head into the wallboard. I was a bobble-head, and unless someone came to the rescue fast, I’d be a dead bobble-head. I poked at Vinny’s pinprick eyes, and he slapped my hands away. He grabbed the call button cord and lassoed my neck.
In sync with my desperation, the patient in the next bed shrieked with a fury capable of waking Vinny’s wife from her permanent slumber. “Security to room 306, security to room 306,” blasted over Honore Hospital’s P-A system.
A pencil-thin man in a white coat stormed in, wielding a dangling stethoscope. My on-call champion struggled to loosen the improvised garrote. Crotchety Vinny began punching with the strength of a super villain. He landed more than a few left jabs on my nose and cheek.
Within seconds, a stranger charged in and snagged Vinny off of me. Crumbling against a hobbling nightstand, I squinted at my Herculean hero from the floor up. His ankle boots yielded to black biker jeans that hugged his powerhouse thighs and hips as if he were born in them. Beneath his open suede jacket, a muscle shirt clung to his bench-pressed pecs. A baseball cap with ‘Savage’ embroidered across the crown rested on his dark chocolate hair that curled around his ears.
Savage seemed to fit as a nickname; his five o’clock shadow hinted he was bad-boy sumptuous. The right side of his neck sported a quarter-sized, port-wine birthmark, partially hidden by his jawbone. Overlooking the meager imperfection, I zeroed in on his heavy-lidded eyes piercing Vinny with laser precision. I sensed my rescuer had witnessed more than most men experience in a lifetime. Savage attentively handed Vinny over to the security guards. Without saying a word, he eased me up, his big-knuckled hands firmly around my waist. I slumped against his chest and savored the natural scent of his skin. He pressed the back of my skull to ease the bloodletting. Only then did I realize the attack had seriously screwed with my head. I should’ve been panicked about bleeding out, but instead was infatuated with this maverick who rescued me without hesitation.

Buy Links: Amazon   Amazon Print    Amazon Print (Spanish Version)   Barnes and Noble

 ~About the Author~

Angelica Thaddeus was born, bred and raised in Buffalo, NY. Over the years, she has served as a consultant to health care providers. In her work of fiction, she meshes her experience in advising medical clients with her own personal memories related to the last years of her parents’ lives. Thaddeus is an avid supporter of soldiers and veterans who serve and have served the US and would like to draw attention to their pressing needs through her works.

Author Link:  Facebook


Is there anywhere safe when you’re the object of someone’s obsession?
Alexandria Stevens is a New York Times best-selling romance novelist. After she makes a guest appearance on a popular TV talk show, she creates a Twitter account. Within a few short weeks she meets a fan, and they become fast friends…or that’s what Alex thinks. When Alex finds herself being stalked, the person she least suspects is her new friend Jillian. What she doesn’t know is that Jillian has been obsessed with her for years. She wants everything Alex has, even her husband.
Content Warning: sexual situations, adult language, violence


Alex went into her study to answer some emails and go over the script for her movie again when the doorbell rang. Knowing Hudson was on a conference call, she went to answer it. She looked out the window to find a deliveryman with a long, white box. Her heart melted, Hudson had flowers delivered for her. He was always so romantic and thoughtful. God, she loved him.

Alex opened the door and signed for the flowers. As she took them to the kitchen to place them in a vase, her mind wandered to all the ways she could thank Hudson properly after his conference call was over. Her favorite one involved her being down on her knees. Alex couldn’t wait to see and smell the beautiful flowers. Giggling, she untied the ribbon and anxiously lifted the lid.

She screamed and dropped the box. It was filled with a dozen black roses, a purple plastic butterfly attached to one stem. Fear rocked through her body as she remembered the note left on her car. Like a butterfly, a wild butterfly. I will collect you and capture you. Alex fell to the floor and wrapped her arms around herself.

“Alex, oh my God. Are you okay? What happened?” Hudson asked as he placed his arms around her trembling body.

She pointed to the black roses. “I thought you sent me flowers,” she stuttered in between her sobs.

Hudson looked at the roses with confusion, then Alex pointed to the butterfly and told him about the note she’d found on her car and how Colleen said it was nothing, probably a sick prank.

“You should’ve told me, baby. I’m calling your father, this isn’t just a prank.” Hudson dialed Anthony, Alex’s father and a police detective. Hudson held her tight and assured her that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her and they would find out what was going on.

Anthony was at his daughter’s side within fifteen minutes with two policemen in tow. He asked a few questions and took the flowers for evidence. Alex just clung to Hudson as her father lectured her for not telling anyone about the note that had been left on her car. He was upset that the note had been destroyed, because there could’ve been forensic evidence on it that would help them figure out who was doing this.

Alex looked into her father’s eyes, he looked both angry and conflicted. She knew this had to be hard on him. He had to be both her father and the detective on the case. He assured them he would try and keep a lid on it for as long as possible. Alex let out a moan knowing what would happen if the media found out about it.

Hudson asked Anthony about the possibility of the police providing some sort of security for Alex. She objected, saying she didn’t want to be babysat. Her father quickly dismissed her objection, stating it was a good idea and he would arrange regular patrols of the street. He swore to her that he would catch the psycho who was stalking her. He hugged her before he left, which took Alex by surprise because he never showed emotion.

When everyone was finally gone, Hudson got Alex some water and two sleeping pills. Soon she was in bed wrapped in Hudson’s arms. Although she was both emotionally and physically exhausted, she felt safe next to him. She sighed and snuggled as close to his warm body as she could as she wiped away a tear and drifted off to sleep.

Alex woke to her cellphone ringing over and over again. Who the hell keeps calling? She moaned as she grabbed her phone from the bedside table. When she looked at the screen and saw who the caller was, she rolled her eyes.


“Oh my God, Alexandria, are you okay? Why do I have to find out from the media that someone is stalking my daughter?”

Alex just let her mother rant—no good would come out of trying to stop her and explain things until she had it all out of her system.

“And a movie deal? Why am I the last to know everything? Well, I’m waiting.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I was going to call you today. Things have been a bit crazy. What do you mean you heard it from the media?”

“It’s all over the entertainment news.”

“Christ!” Alex took a deep breath. She needed to focus and find out what was being said. “Mom, I have to go. I promise I’ll call you later and fill you in on everything. I need to find out exactly what has been leaked.”

Buy Links:    Amazon       Beachwalk Press    Barnes & Noble 

 ~About the Author~

Tamaria Soana is middle aged, but just feels her life has begun. She writes sexy contemporary romance stories that always end with a ‘happily ever after’. Growing up she loved to read and make up new places in her head to escape to. In her late teens she began writing short stories and poetry; it wasn’t until her late thirties before she began to spin a full story.

She’s married and a stay-at-home-mom of two beautiful young girls, they reside in Western New York. Cuddling up with a good book under an electric throw is her way to escape the cold Buffalo nights. Besides writing, she co-owns Shades of Rose Marketing and hosts a talk show on Talkshoe called Live with Tamaria ~ Giving authors a voice.

Author Links:   Site        Facebook Author Page         Twitter

SORM Giveaway
Tamaria is giving away one ebook off her backlist.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Book Spotlight & Giveaway - The Overlord’s Heir by Michelle Howard

SOR The Overlord's Heir VBT Banner
Genre: Scifi Romance

With his enemy defeated and order re-established, Vaan plans to enjoy his life with his Raasa mate. Mikayla’s upcoming birth makes his heart sing with joy.

Mikayla prepares for the birth of her first youngling with her Overlord mate. This should be a happy time but Vaan must return to Kaban and reassure his people that he yet lives.

There are still those not pleased at the turn of events with Thenl’s downfall and seek to destroy what the Overlord has built. Will Vaan and Mikayla finally be able to relax or will trouble continue to follow them?
SORM excerpt

When Balal returned to the lower level, Vaan cornered him. “How is she?”

His Warlord hesitated and then answered. “Hurt.”

Kavan came up behind him. “She is not pleased you kept this from her.”

Vaan knew that and accepted his actions. “Mikayla would have worried needlessly. I fear carrying our youngling has her judgment absent.”

Kavan folded his arms over his bare chest. “You should confine her to her bed while you are gone.”

Vaan felt a grin tug at his lips. Kavan and Mikayla had come to a mutual agreement between them that neither would discuss with him but Kavan often argued that Mikayla should settle into her role as mate. “You would have her angrier at me before I leave, yes?”

His Warlord cracked a small smile. “It would make watching her easier for Balal and I.”

Vaan grunted. Nothing involving his mate was easy. “Mikayla is not a Kabanian woman. Best we all accept and remember this then move forward.” He faced Balal. Mikayla’s favorite among his Warlords. “You will not allow her to endanger herself.”

“As you command, Overlord.”

Balal’s agreement came instantly but Vaan had witnessed Mikayla work around the youth in the past. “Have Assa help you if necessary.” Assa and Mikayla grew up together. His mate maintained a close relationship with all of her people due to her parents going to the Hills while she was a youngling but she was closest to Assa, Sera and Vesa. The house servants would be sure to keep an eye on Mikayla.

Balal ran a hand through his dark shoulder length hair and shifted his weight. “Assa no longer gives me her confidence.”

Vaan raised a brow at this news but Kavan burst into laughter drawing stares their way. Balal’s cheeks stained red.

“What happened, Warlord?” The Raasa female seemed enamored of Balal and often spent time in his company.

Kavan’s laughter died to chuckles and answered Vaan for Balal. “She is not pleased with his bed play.”

Balal punched Kavan in the chest and stormed from the hall, anger in his steps. Vaan sighed. This he knew something about. Perhaps, he’d offer Balal a hint to ease his way.

Buy Links:  Amazon    Smashwords
SORM About the Author

Michelle Howard enjoys a crazy life that involves wild kids, a loud dog, and a husband who tolerates the madness. Like many authors, she’s dreamed of writing since reading her first romance novel many years ago.  She loves paranormal and contemporary romances and is a fan of the classic romances, such as Judith McNaught and Julie Garwood.
I love to hear from fans so please reach out to me. If the mood hits you, leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads.
Author Links:  Website     Facebook     Twitter

SORM Giveaway

Michelle is giving away an eCopy of The Overlord’s Heir to one lucky winner.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.

Cover Reveal - Sunset by Gail Priest



Return to Annie Crow Knoll. . . a place where people come to restore their spirits, heal their pain and reclaim their lives.

Nate Bidwell blamed his mother Annie for his parents' divorce. Buried hurts and resentments between mother and son make Nate reluctant to risk his heart when his childhood friend Beth Ann offers him her own. Instead, he allows himself to fall in love with the fragile and dependent June, and Annie's opposition to their marriage reignites years of unresolved conflict with her only child. Nate swears that he will never return to Annie Crow Knoll, his family home on the Chesapeake Bay. Instead, he opens his dream restaurant in Manhattan and tirelessly works to build his career as a chef.

When near-tragedy strikes their lives, though, Nate is forced to return to the one place he hopes may save his wife: Anne Crow Knoll. There, surrounded by the love and support of his mother, their friend Packard and Beth Ann, Nate and June face their doubts and fears about themselves, their marriage and their future. In the beauty of this Chesapeake community, they find hope and healing.  

Annie Crow Knoll: Sunset will be released on September 14th. . .


Pre-order your copy NOW at a special 99 cent introductory price

Amazon, iBooks and Smashwords

And don't miss the beginning of Annie's story in

Annie Crow Knoll: Sunrise

Available at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and Kobo


Sign up here to receive occasional updates from Gail Priest on her new releases and promotions!

Gail Priest lives in New Jersey and summers in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay with her husband and their cockatiel. In addition to writing novels, plays and screenplays, she loves theater, reading, birding and being out in nature.
Follow Gail Priest on Facebook/Website / Literary Addicts / Twitter

Book Spotlight & Giveaway - Unforgettable by Lacey Wolfe

SOR Unforgettable VBT Banner

Genre: Contemporary
Can an older man be everything Krista’s been looking for?
Krista Michaels’ dating life has been non-existent since her divorce a year before. When her best friend steps in and declares it’s time for a night out at the newest May/December hang-out, The Gentleman’s Club, Krista enters a whole new world and lays eyes on a man who leaves her speechless.
Neil Clark likes younger women and having a good time. Krista catches his attention right away, From their first conversation, he can tell she isn’t a woman to simply play with. One problem: Krista isn’t interested, or so she says. But Neil isn’t about to let her slip away.
Krista’s heart and mind battle it out as Neil does his best to win her over. But they have one huge difference in what they want out of life, and Krista isn’t willing to give up her values, not for a man, not for money, not for love…

Buy Links:     Amazon     Barnes & Noble    ARe    Smashwords

SORM excerpt
Krista jogged to catch up with her friend. At the entrance, a big man stood there in the classic get-up. Sunglasses, a black shirt, and tight jeans. He was hot and Krista wondered if she could stay out there with him because he looked more like her type.
“Good evening, ladies. I need to see some ID.” He held out his hand.
She dug hers out of her wallet and handed it to him. He glanced at the I.D.’s, smiled, and gave them back.
“Enjoy your evening.”
Jamie looped her arm through Krista’s and they were on their way to what felt like the unknown to Krista.
Inside was dark as expected, but there was just enough lighting so she wouldn’t trip over anything. There were a lot of women there. Apparently her friend wasn’t the only one with a thing for older men.
There was a small dance floor to her left, but it was mostly set up with various lounge areas. A contemporary feel flowed throughout with black leather sofas, red-and-white throw pillows, and chrome décor. The bar sat in the center of the room, and Krista was thrilled when Jamie led her in that direction.
A female bartender, who was surprisingly dressed conservative in a white button down blouse, greeted them. “What can I get you?”
“Two sex on the beaches,” Jamie said.
“Suck up.” Krista leaned her back against the bar and glanced around. She didn’t see a man anywhere without a young, beautiful woman at his side. Next to the attached women, she felt like she was wearing a paper sack. Not a man looked in her direction. “I bet all the good ones are taken.”
Jamie twirled a lock of her blonde hair as she checked out the men. “Why do you say that?”
“With the amount of women in here, any man without one at this point must be a loser.”
“Or he’s just waiting on the right woman.” Jamie winked.
The bartender returned with their drinks. Jamie told her to leave the tab open.
“Now what?” Krista asked as she picked up her beverage.
“Let’s find somewhere to sit, drink a little to lighten our mood, and go from there. This doesn’t need to be planned out.”
“This is so stupid.” Krista took a sip of her drink. “It feels like we’re waiting for some man to find us attractive and want to talk to us. It’s just weird.”
Her friend sighed. “Live a little. Jeez. How well has it been working out with the men your own age?”
Jamie had a point. “But still,” Krista protested halfheartedly.
“If you want to leave, I’ll give you my keys. I’m not going to force you to stay.”
“I might.” A deep masculine voice sounded from behind them.
A shiver swept down Krista’s spine. Her heart rate sped up and it felt like slow motion as she spun around to see who had spoken to her. Oh. My. God! She laid eyes on one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen. He put George Clooney to shame.
“Would you gorgeous ladies care to join me?” He motioned toward an empty couch.
“We’d love to.” Jamie smiled.
Krista attempted to speak, but no words were forming as she followed them over. She expected Jamie to sit next to the sexy man and keep him for herself, but instead, her friend left a gap for Krista to sit in the middle.
“I’m Neil.” He took a sip from his drink. The light gold liquid flowed to his lips and Krista found herself jealous of the glass.
“I’m Jamie, and this is my friend Krista Michaels.”
Why the heck did Jamie just given him my last name?
Neil rested his glass on the armrest. He was at ease and in his comfort zone as he straightened his light blue tie. “It’s nice to meet you both. First time here?”
“Yes. Though it’s a relatively new place. Have you been here much?” Jamie asked.
“A few times. I’m friends with the owner.” His gaze stayed on Krista.
She stared back, mesmerized by him. He had dark hair with slight streaks of grey at the temple. Not too much, just was the right amount. Perfect. Like him. Now if only she could speak, she might get somewhere.
“What do you do for a living?” He spun the glass around with his fingers.
“We’re both teachers,” Jamie answered.
His eyes widened. “This must be your favorite time of the year. Summer vacation.”
“It is.” Jamie poked Krista in the side.
Krista nodded since for whatever reason, her mouth still wasn’t working.
“Are you always so quiet?” Neil smirked. A tiny dimple formed on his chin. She loved a man with dimples.
“Usually she won’t shut up.” Jamie giggled. “What’s up, Krista?”
“I love your name by the way.” His blue eyes locked on her.
“Thank you.” She finally managed a word.
He took a long drink then set the cup down on the table. He sat back, pulling one leg up and resting his ankle on the opposite knee. “I’m going to be frank. When I see something I like, I go after it. And I like what I see, Krista. Are you single?”
His bluntness caused a wave of pleasure to ripple though her. “I am.”
“I’m attracted to you very much, but I don’t want to waste my time if you don’t feel the same.” He paused, staring at her with a longing in his eyes. Finally, he moistened his lips. “That isn’t entirely true. If you weren’t interested in me, I’d try harder. I don’t like not getting what I want, and I want you.”

SORM About the Author

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. From the time she was a child she would slip away to write short stories about people she knew and fantasies she wished would happen. It has always been her dream to be a published author and with her two children now of school age, she finally has the time to work on making her dream come true.
Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their six cats and one black lab who rules the house.
Author Links: Site        Twitter        Facebook

SORM Giveaway
Lacey is giving away a $5 GC to Amazon, and two runner ups will receive a swag pack.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Book Blast & Giveaway - Dream Killers

The Sea of Dreams spat me out with no memories, no idea of who I was or what my purpose might be. When Captain Bo, dream killer extraordinaire, arrived, I took a chance to explore. On the road of discovery, I tripped upon dreamplanes floating dead in a graveyard, scared children attempting to survive their dreams turned nightmare, strange guardians, rogue Dreamlanders, and ships with hearts of silver. I learned more about Dreamland than I ever thought possible. But people are dying. They're disappearing. Dreamland is twisting, shifting, ripping. I don't know how best to help, how to save those I've met, who have wormed their way into my heart. If only I knew who I was, what I'd been born to do. Then I found out. I know who I am. I wish I didn't. Dream Killers is geared for fans of Once Upon a Time. The first season (Spring 2014) consists of 3 novellas called episodes. It follows River as he discovers who he is and his role in Dreamland. Dream Killers is to Dreamland Stories what Agents of Shield is to the Marvel movies. Dreamland is an intense, rich, fascinating world with lots going on. If you like fairy tales, are looking for something new,try this one.

DK S1 Covers


Follow S MBlooding

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Meet the Author:

SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation. She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories. She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue! Enter to win an autographed paperback of DREAM KILLERS. Fill out the form below to enter. Open to the continental USA

Free Book - Chronicles of Steele: Raven

Human life has value. The poor living in the gutter is as valuable as the rich living in a manor. The scoundrel is no less valuable than the saint. Because of this, every life a reaper takes must be redeemed. Raven has lived by this first tenet since she was trained by her father to become a reaper. But since his death, she’s been spending years redeeming the lives she’s taken. By her count, she’s even and it’s time for that life to end. If she settles down and becomes a wife, she might just feel human again. But on the way to the life she thinks she wants, the baron of New Haven asks her to complete a task which she cannot ignore… Just when Raven decides to give up on her life as an assassin, she’s pulled right back in. The Chronicles of Steele: Raven is a steampunk-inspired fantasy set in an alternate universe.

Get it for FREE ON AMAZON clear boarder2

Pauline Creeden will be releasing these episodes two weeks apart and on the day of release they will be FREE! How will you know when they are released? Sign up for Pauline Creeden's newsletter of course!

Pauline's Newsletter Sign Up

Now onto the gorgeous covers designed by Graphic Designer, Keri Knutson of Alchemy Book Covers
Chronicles of Steele Raven3Chronicles of Steele Raven4
Chronicles of Steele RavenChronicles of Steele Raven2

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Book Spotlight & Giveaway - Unforgettable by Lacey Wolfe

SOR Unforgettable VBT Banner

Genre: Contemporary
Can an older man be everything Krista’s been looking for?
Krista Michaels’ dating life has been non-existent since her divorce a year before. When her best friend steps in and declares it’s time for a night out at the newest May/December hang-out, The Gentleman’s Club, Krista enters a whole new world and lays eyes on a man who leaves her speechless.
Neil Clark likes younger women and having a good time. Krista catches his attention right away, From their first conversation, he can tell she isn’t a woman to simply play with. One problem: Krista isn’t interested, or so she says. But Neil isn’t about to let her slip away.
Krista’s heart and mind battle it out as Neil does his best to win her over. But they have one huge difference in what they want out of life, and Krista isn’t willing to give up her values, not for a man, not for money, not for love…

SORM excerpt
Krista jogged to catch up with her friend. At the entrance, a big man stood there in the classic get-up. Sunglasses, a black shirt, and tight jeans. He was hot and Krista wondered if she could stay out there with him because he looked more like her type.
“Good evening, ladies. I need to see some ID.” He held out his hand.
She dug hers out of her wallet and handed it to him. He glanced at the I.D.’s, smiled, and gave them back.
“Enjoy your evening.”
Jamie looped her arm through Krista’s and they were on their way to what felt like the unknown to Krista.
Inside was dark as expected, but there was just enough lighting so she wouldn’t trip over anything. There were a lot of women there. Apparently her friend wasn’t the only one with a thing for older men.
There was a small dance floor to her left, but it was mostly set up with various lounge areas. A contemporary feel flowed throughout with black leather sofas, red-and-white throw pillows, and chrome décor. The bar sat in the center of the room, and Krista was thrilled when Jamie led her in that direction.
A female bartender, who was surprisingly dressed conservative in a white button down blouse, greeted them. “What can I get you?”
“Two sex on the beaches,” Jamie said.
“Suck up.” Krista leaned her back against the bar and glanced around. She didn’t see a man anywhere without a young, beautiful woman at his side. Next to the attached women, she felt like she was wearing a paper sack. Not a man looked in her direction. “I bet all the good ones are taken.”
Jamie twirled a lock of her blonde hair as she checked out the men. “Why do you say that?”
“With the amount of women in here, any man without one at this point must be a loser.”
“Or he’s just waiting on the right woman.” Jamie winked.
The bartender returned with their drinks. Jamie told her to leave the tab open.
“Now what?” Krista asked as she picked up her beverage.
“Let’s find somewhere to sit, drink a little to lighten our mood, and go from there. This doesn’t need to be planned out.”
“This is so stupid.” Krista took a sip of her drink. “It feels like we’re waiting for some man to find us attractive and want to talk to us. It’s just weird.”
Her friend sighed. “Live a little. Jeez. How well has it been working out with the men your own age?”
Jamie had a point. “But still,” Krista protested halfheartedly.
“If you want to leave, I’ll give you my keys. I’m not going to force you to stay.”
“I might.” A deep masculine voice sounded from behind them.
A shiver swept down Krista’s spine. Her heart rate sped up and it felt like slow motion as she spun around to see who had spoken to her. Oh. My. God! She laid eyes on one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen. He put George Clooney to shame.
“Would you gorgeous ladies care to join me?” He motioned toward an empty couch.
“We’d love to.” Jamie smiled.
Krista attempted to speak, but no words were forming as she followed them over. She expected Jamie to sit next to the sexy man and keep him for herself, but instead, her friend left a gap for Krista to sit in the middle.
“I’m Neil.” He took a sip from his drink. The light gold liquid flowed to his lips and Krista found herself jealous of the glass.
“I’m Jamie, and this is my friend Krista Michaels.”
Why the heck did Jamie just given him my last name?
Neil rested his glass on the armrest. He was at ease and in his comfort zone as he straightened his light blue tie. “It’s nice to meet you both. First time here?”
“Yes. Though it’s a relatively new place. Have you been here much?” Jamie asked.
“A few times. I’m friends with the owner.” His gaze stayed on Krista.
She stared back, mesmerized by him. He had dark hair with slight streaks of grey at the temple. Not too much, just was the right amount. Perfect. Like him. Now if only she could speak, she might get somewhere.
“What do you do for a living?” He spun the glass around with his fingers.
“We’re both teachers,” Jamie answered.
His eyes widened. “This must be your favorite time of the year. Summer vacation.”
“It is.” Jamie poked Krista in the side.
Krista nodded since for whatever reason, her mouth still wasn’t working.
“Are you always so quiet?” Neil smirked. A tiny dimple formed on his chin. She loved a man with dimples.
“Usually she won’t shut up.” Jamie giggled. “What’s up, Krista?”
“I love your name by the way.” His blue eyes locked on her.
“Thank you.” She finally managed a word.
He took a long drink then set the cup down on the table. He sat back, pulling one leg up and resting his ankle on the opposite knee. “I’m going to be frank. When I see something I like, I go after it. And I like what I see, Krista. Are you single?”
His bluntness caused a wave of pleasure to ripple though her. “I am.”
“I’m attracted to you very much, but I don’t want to waste my time if you don’t feel the same.” He paused, staring at her with a longing in his eyes. Finally, he moistened his lips. “That isn’t entirely true. If you weren’t interested in me, I’d try harder. I don’t like not getting what I want, and I want you.”

SORM About the Author

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. From the time she was a child she would slip away to write short stories about people she knew and fantasies she wished would happen. It has always been her dream to be a published author and with her two children now of school age, she finally has the time to work on making her dream come true.
Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their six cats and one black lab who rules the house.
Author Links: Site        Twitter        Facebook

SORM Giveaway
Lacey is giving away a $5 GC to Amazon, and two runner ups will receive a swag pack.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.

Summer Book Event: D-Strings Set & Naughty Little Bedtime Stories - #Giveaway

SOR Book Event 6
Rising Sun, Half Moon, Rock Stars: D-Strings Set
They are friends in public, lovers in private. In an age of sex, drugs, rock and roll, they want it all. But ‘all’ has a different definition to everyone. What happens when sexy drummer Matt Loren wants bandmate Jules Breaux as more than a bedroom plaything? Is her love more than a four letter word?

rock stars
With a roll, her feet were on the floor and flying to the door. He hardly ever arrived in the middle of the night like this without a phone call to her room first. She could feel him on the other side, but she forced a few deep breaths into her lungs and counted to ten. Squeezing her eyes tightly together, she reopened them only halfway as she unlatched and pulled at the door.
“Hey.” Modulating her voice, she made sure it sounded casual and even sleepy.
“Hey. Had a bad dream. S’okay if I sleep in your bed tonight?” So sexy, he stood, taking the time to look her over before entering the room. No sooner had she shut the door, than he turned, pinning her against it for a deep kiss. “Tried to call you a couple of times…” Reaching over her, he locked the door and then began to kiss her again.
“Went to the party.” She managed to speak around his kiss.
“Mmh hmm. How was it?” Both hands closed around both of hers. His tongue glided along her lips as he spoke.
“Okay, I guess. Where were you? You stay around here?” His breath, his taste was more than slightly alcoholic. Unusual for him. She punctuated each sentence with a return kiss.
“Went with Keith to a club.” Bringing her hands up, he trapped them between his and the door.
“Keith? Really?” She could barely imagine Matt drinking beers with Keith, but he had definitely had more than a few. And not just beers. She could taste and smell the hard liquor. Not enough to reek, but enough to ingest with each breath he took—probably enough that, for once, he didn’t taste it on her. Getting out on the town was not something they had done much on the road, and she sulked against his lips. “Well I would have gone. You didn’t have to take Keith.”
“You wouldn’t have gone.” Blissfully, his body sandwiched hers snugly between his and the door. Their handclasp was palm to palm, hers still between his and the door. “Wasn’t that kind of club, cari.”
It took her several extra seconds to realize he was speaking of a strip club. If his alcohol count tonight surprised her, this new revelation surprised her more. Somehow, she disentangled her tongue enough to tease, “Really? You don’t know that.”
“Really? Thought I did.” The smug kiss that followed was extra firm, and she smiled into it, feeling his return smile.
Restless to touch him, she strained her hands against his for the umpteenth time. He let them go this time, but in two swift movements, he exposed her completely to his gaze—the admiring gaze she now knew she craved.
“So pretty. Prettier than anyone, anywhere.” Her back, now bare, made contact with the door as he moved in close, sliding a hand down between them as he did so.
Her gasp, like so many times before, was smothered by his kiss. A kiss combined with a touch that was quickly making her mindless. Like his hand, his words caressed her over and over, and in a random moment of clarity, she demanded in mock outrage, “Did you just compare me to strippers?”
“Yep. The hottest, classiest strippers. It’s a legendary place. His tone was light, bantering, and then he finished solemnly, wisely, “But there is no comparison.”
Buy: Amazon

~About the Author~
Lisa Gillis resides in Texas, and often references this state in her books. Writing is a recent passion, and she strives in her books to blend a perfect mixture of fantasy and reality. Her love for music, bands, and concerts inspired her Six Silver Strings Series. When she is not writing those little voices out of her head while listening to music, she is making her own noise on drums or guitar. You can visit her at
Author Links: Site      Blog      Facebook      Twitter      Google+   Goodreads 

Naughty Little Bedtime Stories
Bedtime stories that will heat up your night.
Naughty Little Bedtime Stories contains twelve short stories that will arouse your senses. You’ll find stories that contain light bondage, food play, ménage (m/m/f), and other erotic events. Each story has a different setting and couple who explore all things naughty in and out of the bedroom.
Content Warning: adult language, graphic sexual situations
Excerpt from Strawberries and Whipped Cream
We ate dinner, drank some wine, and talked about our week. Maybe tonight I would finally pop the question. After cleaning up, I refilled our glasses.
“Did you get something for dessert?” Emma asked.
I smiled. “Yes, I did. Why don’t you go into the living room and make yourself comfortable while I get it ready.”
“Okay. Are you sure you don’t need help?”
“I’m sure.”
After she left the kitchen, I gathered the bowl of strawberries and can whipped cream from the fridge. I walked in the room to find her on the couch, sipping her wine. I sat down next to her and placed the food on the coffee table.
“I love strawberries, but why the can of whipped cream?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Close your eyes. No peeking,” I whispered in her ear.
I took a strawberry and traced her bottom lip with it. She opened her mouth slightly, and I allowed her to take a small bite. A low moan escaped her lips, and my dick twitched in response. I began to feed her another piece of fruit. My cock was getting harder by the minute as I watched her lips wrap around the strawberries.
“I want to feed you one,” she said as she opened her eyes.
“I have a better idea. Close your eyes,” I said in a deep voice.
Emma sighed and closed her eyes. I picked up a strawberry and touched her bottom lip with it, and she opened her mouth to take it in. I leaned in and bit the other end, letting our lips meet and eliciting a faint squeal from her.
“Would you like some whipped cream?” I asked her as I grabbed the can and shook it.
“Yes,” she whimpered.
I squirted some whipped cream on her bottom lip. She seductively licked them while looking at me lustfully. I groaned, shifted to adjust myself, and placed my lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around me and the kiss deepened. Our tongues rubbed against each other. She tasted like whipped cream. Pulling away, I placed kisses down her neck and made my way to her chest. I lifted her shirt over her head. She was wearing a pink lace bra.
“Beautiful,” I whispered as I reached around her and unhooked her bra. I slid the straps off her arms, placing more kisses on her neck. “Lay back,” I told her as I took my shirt off.
I unbuttoned her jeans and slowly unzipped them. She lifted herself up as I slid them down her amazing legs and threw them on the floor. She was a sight to behold in just a pair of pink boy shorts.
“Do you trust me?” I asked.
Buy Links:   Amazon         Beachwalk Press    Barnes & Noble

~About the Author~

Tamaria Soana is middle aged, but just feels her life has begun. She writes sexy contemporary romance stories that always end with a ‘happily ever after’. Growing up she loved to read and make up new places in her head to escape to. In her late teens she began writing short stories and poetry; it wasn’t until her late thirties before she began to spin a full story.
She’s married and a stay-at-home-mom of two beautiful young girls, they reside in Western New York. Cuddling up with a good book under an electric throw is her way to escape the cold Buffalo nights. Besides writing, she co-owns Shades of Rose Media and hosts a talk show on Talkshoe called Live with Tamaria ~ Giving authors a voice.
Author Links:   Site       Facebook Author Page        Twitter

SORM Giveaway

Tamaria is giving away a book off her backlist to one lucky winner.
Lisa is giving away a $10 Amazon GC.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Boko Blast & Giveaway - I'm Still Here by Kathryn R. Biel

It started out as an ordinary day for Esther Comely-Cox, if you consider simultaneously totaling your car, smashing a Ho Ho in your face and meeting a handsome doctor ordinary. Estranged from her family over her sister's mental illness and death, Esther can't help but feel alone. And when Esther hears the voice of her twin sister who committed suicide seven years ago, she begins to question her own sanity, leading her to wonder if anything is what it seems. Searching for answers, Esther must confront her past while looking towards a new future—one in which she is finally accepted. Through humor and heartbreak, Esther learns that blood does not mean family, that absence does not make the heart grow fonder and that silence can speak volumes. Put I'm Still Here on your TBR list! Buy on Amazon

im still here

About the author:

biel-8490 - Copy (533x800) (2)croppedTelling stories of resilient women, Kathryn Biel hails from upstate New York and is a spouse and mother of two wonderful and energetic kids. In between being Chief Home Officer and Director of Child Development of the Biel household, she works as a school-based physical therapist. She attended Boston University and received her doctorate in Physical Therapy from The Sage Colleges. After years of writing countless letters of medical necessity for wheelchairs, finding increasingly creative ways to encourage the government and insurance companies to fund her clients' needs, and writing entertaining annual Christmas letters, she decided to take a shot at writing the kind of novel that she likes to read. Her musings and rants can be found on her personal blog, Biel Blather ( She is the author of Good Intentions (2013) and Hold Her Down (2014). Please feel free to follow on Twitter (@KRBiel) or on Facebook (Kathryn R. Biel: Author)

Follow Kathryn:

Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads   Follow the Book Tour Enter to win a $30 Amazon Gift Card. Fill out the form to enter.

Book Spotlight & Giveawat - Let It Burn by Emily Wood

SOR Let it Burn VBT Banner
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Sometimes one person can make you question everything you thought you wanted.
Lydia James is a struggling scriptwriter with big dreams. She’s determined to conquer the movie world, and equally determined to stay out of the limelight while she does it. So what happens when she meets Ryan Sharpe, a British actor and Hollywood’s next big thing? He could hold the keys to her future, but with him, flying under the radar doesn’t seem to be an option.
Ryan has learned his lesson when it comes to women. In his experience, relationships mean heartache and pain. But when he meets Lydia, everything changes. She’s a breath of fresh air, and everything he didn’t even know he was looking for. There’s just one problem—she doesn’t want to be a part of his life. Will a weekend in Saint-Tropez give Ryan the opportunity he needs to win Lydia’s heart, or will their desires turn to ashes?
Content Warning: explicit sex

SORM excerpt

“So what is it about the party that you’re so desperate to avoid, Lydia James?”
She sucked a breath in and blew it out slowly. She didn’t miss Ryan’s eyes flickering to her breasts as her chest heaved. They lingered there for a moment.
“Honestly, I’m totally out of my depth.” She paused, wondering how much he would actually want to know and how much would just be a rant. She decided to go for it anyway. “I’m a writer. Or at least, I want to be. I have a story…a script. I also have an agent who brought me here to make connections. That’s what he said anyway, but…he’s been hinting that he expects to get something out of this, if you get what I mean.”
“Yeah. Obviously, I would never do that. But how the hell do I get out of this? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get an agent?” She remembered who she was talking to. “Of course you do.” And then she looked at him again—he probably had exclusive rights to Hollywood based on his jaw-dropping good looks. Even mere mortals like directors and producers bowed down to gods. “So my problem is how do I get out of this without him blackening my name forever?”
Ryan’s face had been a picture of amusement since the moment he’d turned on the light. But suddenly something far more dangerous danced in his eyes, although he was obviously struggling to hide it. A thrill shocked her whole body before finally settling in her lower abdomen.
“The damage has been done,” Ryan said. His voice was slow and tight. “You can kiss your agent goodbye. Not literally though. I’m afraid the industry is rife with people like that, and if he doesn’t take you seriously now, then no offense, but no amount of sexual favors are going to change his mind.”
The blush that had colored her cheeks earlier was nothing compared to the heat that filled them under Ryan’s angry gaze. Her skin was suddenly so hot that it made her eyes water. She felt dirty and ashamed, and she hadn’t even done anything. Jesus, she wouldn’t have even dreamed of doing anything with that man out there.
“I already knew that,” she snapped. “I came in here to get away. But how do I… Whatever I do now I’ll offend him.”
The anger in Ryan’s face melted away enough for mischief to creep in. He stood up, walking over to her in a slow, deliberate way that had her heartbeat doing the exact opposite. She pressed her back against the door as he approached. He was even more captivating up close. A tiny corner of her consciousness worried about what he intended to do while the rest of her screamed approval at all of the naughty things racing through her mind.
But of course, she wasn’t in a fairy tale, and heartbreakingly handsome actors didn’t kiss lowly dreamers like herself. He stopped short, his perfectly sculpted lips moving to breathe in her ear rather than meet her own. Lydia let her eyes flicker closed, his intoxicating, spicy scent threatening to turn her into a puddle at his feet.
“If the only man who could make your career is about to drop you, then there’s only really one thing to do.”
“What’s that?” Lydia managed to croak, painfully aware of how close she was to touching heaven.
“Make sure everybody else knows your name.”

Buy Links:  Beachwalk Press   Beachwalk Press    Amazon      Barnes & Noble

SORM About the Author

I have always believed that the best stories are the ones that you can’t put down, the ones that transport you to a different place and make you believe in the characters. This is exactly why I write… I have always loved the escapism that reading and writing provides, and there is nothing more exciting than imagining your own set of characters, and then letting them practically write the story for you. Writing has always been a dream of mine, and I’m lucky to have the kind of people around me that have always nurtured and encouraged my passion.
I live a cozy little life in Wales, and when I’m not writing I’m taking care of my young family, studying for a degree in Classical Studies, and training to become a nail technician. I love traveling to new places, meeting new people, and experiencing new things…it’s all great inspiration for my books!
Author Links:   Site      Facebook     Twitter 
SORM Giveaway
Emily is giving away a $10.00 Amazon gift card during her tour.
For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Book Blast & #Giveaway - Lieutenant Henry Gallant

In an era of genetic engineering, Lieutenant Henry Gallant is the only Natural (non-genetically enhanced) officer left in the fleet. Many of his superiors, including rival Anton Neumann, have expressed concern he is not up to the challenge. However, his unique mental abilities have proven essential to the defense of the United Planets in its fight against the Titan invaders. Serving on the first FTL prototype, the Intrepid, on its maiden voyage to Tau Ceti, Gallant finds a lost colony on the planet Elysium. Cyrus Wolfe and his son, manipulate planet politics against the democratic opposition led by James Hepburn and his granddaughter Alaina. Wolfe has allied himself with an ancient Artificial Intelligence which had lain dormant on the planet for millennia, but is now willing to protect the colonists against the Titans. With Alaina’s help, Gallant discovers the ancient AI has a sinister ulterior motive and he matches his unique and exceptional mind against the complexity of machine intelligence to escape the ultimate trap and prevent the extermination of humanity. In Lieutenant Henry Gallant, one man pits the naked human mind against the perspicacity of machine intelligence.
LT Henry Gallant

Purchase on Amazon

Book 1 available on Amazon :

Midshipman Henry Gallant

Book Reviews for Volume 1: Past Reviews of the first volume: Midshipman Henry Galant @2013 "The author has created a wonderful piece of work with his first novel in the Henry Gallant Saga. Between Henry Gallant beginning his new life on the United Planets' battle cruiser Repulse and trying to save the world the author has came up with it all. Henry Gallant is an admirable character with many wonderful features such as courage, intelligence, humility, kindness and special powers. ... the odds stacked against him pretty high. But maybe through it all, Kelsey will see the remarkable things about him." Ashley Patts, Teenage Rush "This story moves along at a swift pace, with interesting character development and plot surprises. The characters are complete and engaging. This could develop into a good series." Rae "Its style and flavor reminded me of The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell." - JJH "Space Opera at its finest. Rousing read, introverted young man against impossible odds, a girl to win or lose, an enemy or is he? Way too much fun...can't wait for the next one." - vrzepka


pete2As a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of computer scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of seven books.
Facebook / Literary Addicts / Goodreads / Blog / Website
  Follow the Tour Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card from the Author

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dream Killers is FREE Wed - Friday August 20 - 22

The Sea of Dreams spat me out with no memories, no idea of who I was or what my purpose might be. When Captain Bo, dream killer extraordinaire, arrived, I took a chance to explore. On the road of discovery, I tripped upon dreamplanes floating dead in a graveyard, scared children attempting to survive their dreams turned nightmare, strange guardians, rogue Dreamlanders, and ships with hearts of silver. I learned more about Dreamland than I ever thought possible. But people are dying. They’re disappearing. Dreamland is twisting, shifting, ripping. I don’t know how best to help, how to save those I’ve met, who have wormed their way into my heart. If only I knew who I was, what I’d been born to do. Then I found out. I know who I am. I wish I didn’t. Dream Killers is geared for fans of Once Upon a Time. The first season (Spring 2014) consists of 3 novellas called episodes. It follows River as he discovers who he is and his role in Dreamland. Dream Killers is to Dreamland Stories what Agents of Shield is to the Marvel movies. Dreamland is an intense, rich, fascinating world with lots going on. If you like fairy tales, are looking for something new,try this one.

Purchase Get it for FREE Wednesday August 20 - Friday August 22

Follow S MBlooding

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Meet the Author:

SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation. She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories. She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue!