The Felixes are identical in every respect to the godlike men of Vengelis's world save for their mechanical blue eyes. Feared to be indestructible, the wanton holocaust of the Felix appears inescapable. His family murdered and his empire maimed under a shadow of destruction, Vengelis pursues the pained final words of his dying mentor, and sets course for a remote and unchartered world--our world. The son of the man who created the Felixes, Gravitas Nerol has spent four years in lonely exile. His crime? When the Lord General of the Epsilon Army ordered the genocide of a vastly inferior race, Gravitas refused him. A warrior to his marrow, Gravitas has cast aside his former life and committed himself to the pursuit of knowledge. Kristen Jordan is a young and talented graduate student working on a cutting edge research team. Their wildly inventive new biotechnology, the Vatruvian cell, is the celebrated milestone of modern science. Yet Kristen remains uneasy about the capabilities of the inexplicable Vatruvian cell, and as their project develops, it begins to ring oddly familiar to the perilous technology of Vengelis's home.
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