ZOSMA IS A POWERFUL PRE-APOCALYPTIC SCIENCE FICTION STORY EXPLORING THEMES OF TRUTH, RESILIENCE, AND DIVERSITY Zosma opens the series on Earth in 2052 A.D. as Allister Adams, a young superhuman, begins his search for the planet’s possible savior: Zosma Caster. Zosma is an intergalactic refugee and the vessel for an otherworldly energy source from the Andromeda Galaxy. The rogue organization C20 has been interested in Zosma’s power, but are its intentions entirely pure? Allister’s search for an alien becomes a search for truth as the walls, literally and figuratively, are closing in. Zosma is the first in the series The Lost Children of Andromeda. Inspired by his personal journey of self-discovery, Jason Primrose has created a world in which even superhumans are challenged by the effects of greed, fear, and natural disasters.
The apocalyptic tale explores the themes of reality vs. perception, human extinction and climate change, diversity of thought, and resilience. https://www.lostchildrenofandromeda.com/pre-order-zosma/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Zosma-Children-Andromeda-Jason-Primrose/dp/1643071858/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1535552955&sr=8-1&keywords=lost+children+of+andromeda Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/zosma-jason-primrose/1129430202?ean=9781643071855 Mascot Books: https://mascotbooks.com/mascot-marketplace/buy-books/fiction/science-fiction/lost-children-of-andromeda-zosma/
About the Author Jason Michael Primrose has been creating alternate worlds and characters since childhood. For nearly ten years, he has used his unique storytelling gift to impact the entertainment, fashion, and tech consumer product industries. His experience spans brand strategy, creative direction, retail merchandising, and influencer/celebrity partnerships. www.lostchildrenofandromeda.com https://twitter.com/lostchildrenofA https://www.instagram.com/lostchildrenofandromeda/ #zosma #lostchildrenofandromeda Enter to win one of five paperbacks up for grabs!

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