The Tacos and Chocolate Diet: How to Live A Bold, Adventurous, And Intentional Life
I want you to find joy. I want you to live the best life you can live.
Most of all, I want to help you accomplish both of these.
In The Tacos and Chocolate Diet it’s my goal to generate hope, inspire action, and remind you to start making the important things important - starting with YOU. Everything you're looking for can be attained with the action plan inside these pages. Everything comes down to you.
I wrote this book to help people start living a bold, adventurous, and intentional life. That’s what we all want, right? We want to live on purpose. We want to make a small change that helps us start living the life we want.
Let's get started living life to its fullest.
Don’t be confused by the title. This is not a book to help you lose weight. The Tacos and Chocolate Diet is about taking action to live your best life. And I'll be there, right along with you.
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