Sunday, November 30, 2014

#CyberMonday #BookSale from Pagan Writers Press

Pagan Writers Press is having a huge sale for Cyber Monday! Almost all the books in the catalog have been discounted.  There are titles available in almost every genre!  Here are just a few of them!

Contemporary Romance

The Cliff by Christie AC Gucker -  Reduced to $2.99

Clutter by Jamie White - Reduced to $.99

Falling Star by Laura DeLuca - Reduced to $3.99


Paranormal Romance


For the Love of the Gods - Reduced to $2.99

The Purple Heart  by Christie AC Gucker - Reduced to $2.99

Science Fiction

Guardian Series by Andrew P. Weston-  Reduced to $2.99 each


Writing Wild by T.J. Burns - Reduced to $2.99

Not My Mother by Ashley Rae - Reduce to $2.99

Young Adult Fantasy

Morrigan by Laura DeLuca -  Reduced to $.99

Young Adult/New Adult Romantic Thriller

Dark Musicals Trilogy by Laura DeLuca - Prices reduced on the entire series

Friday, November 28, 2014

Scrooged - A Dark Musicals Holiday Novella - Only $.99!

Lots of people have emailed me to ask what happens to Justyn and Becca in the future. Would they make it to Broadway? Would they live happily ever after? In Scrooged, you will get a glimpse into their future, and see some old friends--and villains--you thought were gone for good.

Stan Hope never cared much for his son-in-law—Justin Patko. 

His black clothes and body piercings were bad enough, but the ridiculous notion of dragging Rebecca off to Broadway with a new baby on the way pushes Stan over the edge. How much can a father take?

After losing his cool at a holiday party, Stan gets a visit from three unexpected spirits. Can they help to change his close-minded ways? Or will he lose his only child forever?

 Available on Amazon for only $.99.

Spoiler Alert - Don't read this unless you finished the first three books in the series! If you missed them, now is a great time to catch up! All three books are on sale for the holidays!

Phantom: $.99           Demon: $2.99         Hyde : $2.99

Winter Wonderland #Giveaway

Are you looking for some good reads for literary loved ones for Christmas? Pick yourself up a good read as well. Check out the Winter Wonderland Gift Guide from Literary Addicts for your book buying needs.
Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal below
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Inspirational Memoir
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These wonderful authors are sponsoring a $50 Amazon GC. Open INT ends 12/24/14 @ 11:59pm EST