Monday, January 12, 2015

Book Spotlight & #Giveaway - A Groovy Kind of Love

a groovy kind of love tour banner

Uptight British lit lover meets a free spirit at a book club and his world is turned upside down! After placating to his father’s demands that he play Little League baseball and major in computer programming in college rather than his beloved English literature, Thaddeus assumed that several years into his career, he would finally get some peace and quiet. Then he met Spring Pearson, the younger, free-spirited daughter of Hippie parents, at a book club meeting. Instantly smitten, Thaddeus finally worked up the courage to ask Spring out. But will an old college pinkie-swear promise Spring made fifteen years ago get in the way of this bibliophilic romance? ”A Groovy Kind of Love” is the third and final installment of Karen Wojcik Berner’s Bibliophiles series. Written as stand-alone novels, each book focuses on one or two members of a fictional suburban classics book club, revealing their personal stories while the group explores tales spun by the masters.
A-Groovy-Kind-of-Love-800 Cover reveal and Promotional

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Karen - groovy  Author Bio: Karen Wojcik Berner writes contemporary women’s fiction, including the Amazon best-selling series, the Bibliophiles. An award-winning journalist, her work has appeared in several magazines, newspapers, and blogs, including the Chicago Tribune, Writer Unboxed, Women's Fiction Writers, and Fresh Fiction. She currently serves on the Author Council of and is a member of the Chicago Writers’ Association. When not writing, she can be found on the sidelines of her youngest’s football or lacrosse games, discussing the Celts with the oldest, or snuggling into a favorite reading chair with a good book and some tea.
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Enter to win a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card - winners choice. 18+ Giveaway ends 1/30/15 at 11:59 EST


  1. I would have to say my favorite book that I read last year would be The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Incredible book in every way!

  2. My favorite book I read in 2014 was Arizona Dream.

  3. Ilona Andrews' Magic Breaks. Thanks.
