Gregor Stone is a full-blood Gargoyle and the Warden at the New Atlanta Penitentiary. He spends his days running the prison and his nights looking for Unholy. With the recent discovery that Gargoyles can mate with humans, there is new hope for his kind. Gregor has found his mate, but there’s one problem: she hates him. He believes his happily ever after is still just a fairy tale.
Tessa Blackmore is Trouble with a capital T and has been since she was a baby. Tessa is a half-blood. Her father is a Gargoyle and her mother is human. The half-bloods have hidden themselves from the Gargoyles for centuries. Now that Tessa has found her mate in a full-blood, will she continue to hide, or will she give in to the pull of the mate bond?
Tessa is running from her past and the madman hell bent on catching her. As he and his army close in, Tessa is forced to turn to the one man she has tried to avoid for years: her mate.

She didn’t need a GPS to tell her where her mate lived. When she first transitioned, she became obsessed with him. She followed Gregor often, sometimes to bars, sometimes to his home. Never did she get up the nerve to get close to him. Maybe it hadn’t been nerves, more like self-preservation. As time went on and she realized she would never be with him in the way they were meant to be, she stopped following. Watching him go out of town to meet other women had been too much. That was when she decided to hook up with Jacques. What a disaster that turned out to be.
Gregor’s property was secured tighter than a military fort. The gate was thick iron and the security box was state of the art, voice recognition. Since she had never been there, Gregor had left it open for her arrival. As soon as she drove through, it automatically closed behind her. The rumble of her Camaro was loud against the silence of the woods. She was surrounded by trees on both sides of the long, paved drive that led to Gregor’s home. She expected a log cabin to be nestled among the Georgia pines. What she didn’t expect was the massive log and stone structure that came into view as she drove out of a curve.
She put her car in park and just sat there. Holy Mother of Zeus. Tessa was in the midst of her dream home. Of course her mate would live in the woods in the type of house she had dreamed of ever since she was a little girl. She liked her house in New Orleans, but she had bought it as an investment. This… this house was what dreams were made of. Baking cookies with your little girl dreams. Sitting on the deck watching your mate throwing football with your little boy dreams. Relaxing in the hot tub after the kids had gone to bed dreams. Making love in front of the fire dreams.
The front door opened and Gregor stepped out onto the porch. He was dressed casually in faded jeans and a long sleeve Henley. The sleeves were pushed up showing his massive forearms. His feet were bare. Gods that was so sexy. He didn’t move toward her, just stood with his hands in his pockets, waiting. Tessa grabbed her backpack from the passenger seat and angled out of her sports car. She didn’t bother locking the door.
“Do you want to put her in the garage?” Gregor inclined his head toward the car.
Dammit, he was already being nice. “Nah, she’ll be fine out here for one night.” Tessa needed to remind herself that this was one night only. Though her curiosity was peaked at what he had in the garage besides his Hummer and Harley. She slowly walked up the steps and stopped, leaving an arm’s length between them.
Gregor took her backpack. “I hope you like Italian.” He opened the door, holding it for her. She stepped into the spacious, open room. The floor plan was perfect. The large family room opened up to the kitchen and dining area. There were windows everywhere including a large sliding glass door that led out to a deck on the back of the house. Even though Gargoyles weren’t affected by the cold, Gregor had a fire going. A large bearskin rug covered the hardwood floor in front of the hearth. She could already see herself naked underneath Gregor on that rug.
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When Faith isn’t jotting down her crazy ideas, she can be found playing trivia while enjoying craft beer, reading, or riding her Harley.
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