Saturday, August 31, 2013
Book Spotight - Pacifically You By Christie AC Gucker
Back Cover:
Marine biologist Dr. Lisbeth Drake finally gets her chance to shine in the scientific world when she receives a grant from world-renowned scientist Dr. Chase Logan. With her geeky new partner and the crew of the Pacifically You in tow, they head out on a six-month excursion to study Lizzy’s greatest passion … sharks.
But is it the marine life Chase came to study or is it Lizzy? When she baits him to divert their trip to an isolated island, he quickly obliges. Their mutual attraction pirates rationale and soon they are hooked on each other. But it’s their working relationship that goes off the charted course as submerged secrets surrounding her past float to the surface.
When the sunken treasures of truth are finally blown out of the water, will Chase jump ship or sail into the sunset with Lizzy?
Climb aboard the Pacifically You for a humorous sea tale of storms, secret passion, sharks and fish puns.
All Romance
Create Space
Amazon Print and Kindle (US)
Barnes and Noble Print and Nook
About the Author
Christie A.C. Gucker lives in NJ with her husband, two daughters and a menagerie of pets. Being a mother is one of the greatest joys of her life. She has worked in the advertising industry for over 20 years as a degreed artist, but also works in the fine arts, especially sculpting out of stone or snapping photographs. Christie is also a singer and musician, and can be found singing on a few CDs.
After the death of her father, Christie searched for something to fill her desire to make a mark in this world. Her love of the arts and creativity allowed her to search for a new medium, which she found with a pen instead of a brush. Being an avid reader her whole life, and with her family cheering her on, she decided to take her shot, and began writing.
Christie is fascinated by the supernatural and sharks, and studies both avidly. You’ll be sure to find something spooky lurking somewhere in her stories. Her greatest joy is sitting on a beach with her family while surf fishing, flying kites or building sandcastles with her girls.
Connect with Christie
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Thursday, August 29, 2013
Book Spotlight - Spanish Flame by Patricia Flame
Can an ex-con and a
Spanish noblewoman find love?
Ex-convict, Adam Butler, is a man hardened by betrayal and
violence. When he lands in Spain, his only intention is to find a paying job so
he can buy his way further west, far away from the memories of his past.
Wealthy and beautiful Evangelina Ortega yearns for the ability to
marry for love even as her father is forcing her to wed a man she's never met.
When she arrives at her betrothed's estate, she meets Adam Butler, a man with
secrets and a checkered past.
Can the Spanish lady and the ex-con find happiness or will their
love be destroyed by her father's determination to regain the family honor?
Note: This book was previously published under the title In the
Hands of a Stranger, but it has been substantially revised.
Adam glanced behind him at the sound of hooves on stone and
watched the elegant carriage roll to a halt in front of the main house. Black,
trimmed with gold, the exterior of the coach gleamed in the rapidly sinking
sun. The doors were covered in intricately gilded patterns of silver and gold,
and pale curtains fluttered in the breeze.
The team that pulled it matched the rig—six midnight black horses
pranced in their harness as the doorman climbed down and set a step by the door
to allow the passengers to disembark. Adam watched as the door opened and a
young man of maybe thirteen hopped out, followed by a young woman a couple of
years older. She was dressed in gray traveling garb, and her long, full skirts
dusted the ground as she walked. Around her head white lace crested and
fluttered with each movement of her head.
Adam felt his breath catch when a dark-haired beauty stepped out
of the carriage. The long, intricate lace veil she wore covered her elaborately
styled hair but did little to hide the ebony strands. Rounded with delicate
cheekbones, and a high upturned nose, her face was flawless, beautiful—unlike
any other woman's he'd ever seen. Her olive complexion was so different from
the aboriginal women his father had employed.
He shivered as her eyes lifted away from her older companion and
met his. With the force of a kangaroo kick, attraction slammed into him. He
inhaled, frozen, unable or unwilling to break eye contact. Her eyes widened a
degree, and he saw her plump lips part in a soundless gasp before she ducked
her head, a wave of pink staining her cheeks.
He glanced away as he walked toward the team. He wasn't the son of
an affluent man here; there was no room for anything between them, not now. As
Adam strode forward to hold the horses, he caught the look of disparagement,
the lack of emotion in the depths of the older gentleman's eyes. Adam stared at
the wealthy, distinguished man for a moment then began to unhitch the wheeler.
"You will do well," the man said, venom lacing his
words, "to keep your distance. A criado has no place near royalty."
The well-dressed gentleman stared down at him, condescension in his eyes.
Adam lifted his head to glare at the self-important man.
"Señor, welcome to Los Santiago Hacienda."
About the Author:
Reading has been such a large part of my life. I cut my literary
teeth on such authors as Louis L'Amour, Nora Roberts and Janet Dailey. For me
it wasn't such a jump from reading the wonderful tales these authors spun to
imagining my own.
Soon I was writing poetry, short stories and by junior high I'd
written my first full length romance novel. Since then I've taken my love of
history and my passion for writing and combined them into what I hope will
continue to prove a successful career.
With six books contracted, four of which are currently available
in print. All are available in electronic format with the last two ebooks due
for a release in May and the other in the summer. I'm currently working on
three projects, an erotic paranormal romance featuring a witch who loves Christmas,
another Ancient Ireland novel, rich in the history of the Irish Celtic peoples,
and plotting out a Cowboy Series tentatively titled "The James Gang".
Of course I've got a lot more on the go. I'm developing and
growing my editing company with some amazing authors, working on polishing my
concepts and plans for upcoming books within the paranormal genres, and keeping
up on my writing and being a full time mom, working outside of the house…it's
amazing what one can manage in a 16 hour day.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Short Story Review: Fire Driven by Tracy Palmer
“Terrwyn... Terrwyn? Come to me, my love. You must come now!”
When the Goddess Brighid calls upon her favorite mortal, who is Terrwyn to not obey? Leaving behind everything she has ever known, she travels from her homeland to the Emerald Isle of Eire, where the Tuatha de Danan and the newly arrived Christian religion fight for dominance.
Terrwyn’s feelings and beliefs, which are deemed wrong and considered evil by the invading authorities, take her on a quest for understanding and true love. In the face of discrimination, condemnation, and violence, can she hold tight to her faith long enough to prove her loyalty to Brighid?
Where to Buy
Amazon Barnes & Noble Smashwords Goodreads
About the Author
Tracy Palmer (1971-????) was destined from conception to have an interesting life. After all, only the unusual can attract someone that was conceived in Peculiar, MO. Tracy was obsessively involved in music, acting, and writing since she was first introduced to them in elementary school and she spent most of her scholastic life devoted to each one of the three. A young Ms. Palmer spent a majority of her childhood shuttling back and forth between her parents at the Lake of the Ozarks and Cedar Rapids, IA. After a family tragedy at the end of her Junior year in high school, Tracy left school and served a brief stint in the US Army. Upon leaving the military, Tracy then settled in southern Missouri. She has worked in several professions (accounting, retail, call centers... all mostly IT related) and is now seeking a degree in Mass Media with a double minor in Psychology and Screenwriting (she is also completing an Associate of Arts in Teaching degree).
The backbone and beginning of Tracy’s path towards the entertainment industry includes her first printed novel: Tribrid (first published as trIIIbrid). She is also a contributing writer for the post apocalyptic zombie game "Survivor Z". Along with ongoing contributions to the Survivor Z app, Tracy is currently involved in writing the sequel to Tribrid (My Father's Daughter), "The Rage Within" (a graphic novel based on the Tribrid series), "Fire Driven" (a short story going to print late summer 2013), and an original screenplay titled "Dream Weaver". Ms. Palmer is a production assistant for the upcoming movie "The Dead Reckoning" and other future films from the House of Grimm. The world can look forward to several more exciting things from this multi-faceted individual as she dons many more hats in the film and print industries.
My Thoughts
Terrwyn is called to service by the Goddess Brighid. She answers willingly, but her path to the temple is not an easy one. She disguises herself as a boy for part of her travels and walks so far she wears the skin away from the heels of her feet. Eventually she enlists the help of a sweet old matron who turns out to have once been a sister of the flames herself. Even if Terrwyn overcomes all the obstacles in her path, once she arrives at the temple she'll have to face the members of the new religion who want to wipe the old ways from the world completely.
Fire Driven is a beautifully written short story of one woman's strength and faith. Terrwyn lets nothing deter her from serving the Goddess she adores and who is her lover as well as her mistress. The stunning word building makes this a quick read with tons of action, a little romance, and a lot of magic.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Book Spotlight - Mystique Rogue by Diane Taylor
and cynical, Carmen Marshall and her security team are hired to protect master
Illusionist The Rogue, and his white tiger. What should be a simple case of
protecting a client is made even harder by the mysteries surrounding him, and
the very real danger of someone wanting him dead.
both The Rogue and his tiger proving to be more then they seem, an unknown
enemy, and a powerful desire haunting her, Carmen's job is proving more of a
challenge than she'd ever imagined. Will the flames of passion burn to ashes,
or will they consume all involved.
Carmen grunted. "Divvy up the bonus equally between the four and
put my usual fee in the bank. I don't need the bonus and these guys do. Now,
what else have you got on your list of clients that you're planning to foist on
me, in my innocence?"
"Innocent, my ass. Miss Marshall you're the least
innocent woman I know." Daria shuffled her papers on the desk, then looked
up at the video camera. "What do you know of The Rogue?"
Carmen shrugged. "He's a master of illusion. No one
knows what he looks like underneath his mask,
which makes him somewhat of a forbidden fruit to the female persuasion. Those
who have tried to come on to him have gone away either pissed off or in
tears. Those who have claimed to have slept with him aren't believed. The
ones which are rebuffed proceed to slander and smear his name, which is really
useless because he never responds to bullshit like that unless it really gets
messy, then the person responsible gets a talking
to." She made quotation marks in the air with her fingers.
"Rumors run thick and fast about what's underneath the mask. They run the
entire range of being horribly disfigured to just an affectation so he can go
out into public with it off and not be recognized." She smiled slightly at
Daria, "The rest of the rumors are just too outrageous to think
"Anything else, Oh Great Abundance of Wisdom?" Her boss grinned.
She smiled and took another drink of her coffee before
responding. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Daria Randall. As a matter
of fact, the tabloids and the internet have commented that his crew and stage
hands are very tight lipped. Even his manager won't spill the beans about the
props or how his illusions are done, no matter how much money is offered. More
than a few people have attempted some of his more dangerous stunts, trying to
duplicate and or improve on them."
Carmen arched an eyebrow and looked meaningfully at her
boss. "With very fatal results. At the beginning of each performance,
everyone is warned not to try these stunts. They make the statement which
basically says anyone attempting them is doing so under the full knowledge they
were warned ahead of time."
Daria nodded, "Well, according to his manager,
someone's trying to sabotage his performances and
possibly turn him into an illusion, permanently. From what I've read in the
report I have on my desk, all the mistakes have been caught before the actual
stunt was performed. But the manager wants to find out what in hell is going on
and put a stop to these incidents before something really does go wrong. He's
paid double the usual fee, wanting to ensure you and your team will personally
handle the assignment. He said The Rogue has
specifically asked for you, saying he wishes a face to face meeting before he
signs any agreement."
Carmen's eyes widened. "You know my rule on that,
Daria. It's held true and every client has agreed to it. If he wants a video
conference, we can arrange a time and place. But I do not meet face to
"Oh come on, you can do it just this once."
Daria's eyes widened and became pleading on the video screen. "If he
doesn't meet you in person, he won't sign the contract. When I mentioned your
rule, he said, and I quote, 'If this
woman is afraid of me, then perhaps you should fire her and hire more men. At least they aren't afraid to meet face to face.'"
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Short Story Review - Heart of the Storm by Andrew P. Weston
Love has eluded James Foster for many years. But that’s not surprising, for his work as a marine geologist regularly takes him around the world. A highly principled man, he is passionate for the truth and for the environment, but such endeavors leave little time for a private life.
After blowing the whistle on his former employer’s outrageous work practices, which would have endangered the staff and the ecosystem they were operating in, James finds himself without a job and with his reputation in tatters. Forced into isolation, he is hounded by his former employer and the press.
His passion for what is right draws the attention of a mysterious woman. Someone—it appears—with her own agenda!
Will she help him survive the coming storm or ensure he goes under?
Purchase Amazon | Smashwords | Goodreads
About the Author
Andrew P Weston was born in the city of Birmingham, UK and grew up in the towns of Bearwood and Edgbaston, eventually attending Holly Lodge Grammar School for Boy’s where he was School Captain and Head Boy.
He was an active sportsperson for the school and a variety of rugby, martial art, swimming, and athletics teams throughout the city On graduation in 1977, he joined the Royal Marines and served in a number of roles both in the UK and abroad.
In 1985 he joined the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, serving as a police officer in a variety of uniformed and plain clothed departments until his retirement in 2008.
Over those years, he wrote and illustrated a selection of private books for his children regarding the life of a tiny kitten, called, “The Adventures of Willy Whiskers”, gained further qualifications in Law and Religious Studies, was an active member of Mensa and continued to be an active sportsperson, providing lessons free of charge to local communities.
An unfortunate accident received on duty meant Andrew had to retire early from the police force, but after moving to the sunny Greek island of Kos to speed up his recuperation, he was at last able to devote time to the “Guardian Concept” he had developed over his years in the military and police.
When not writing, Andrew enjoys Greek dancing and language lessons, being told what to do by his wife, Annette, and hunting shadows in the dark. He has not managed to catch any yet, but is sure he came close on 2 occasions.
Connect with Andrew
Face book
My Thoughts
James Foster is a marine geologist who cares more about the environment then his paycheck. When a big oil company puts sea-life in danger, he stands up for what he believes in. The result is a backlash of negative publicity and reporters camped out on his front yard. When he first notices a mysterious woman in the crowd who later saves his life, he thinks she might be going undercover to get the dirt on him, but the secret this mysterious beauty is hiding goes much deeper than deadlines.
This short story is fun, quick read with a little romance and a lot of storm raging action. In addition to providing an interesting twist on paranormal romance, Heart of the Storm also delves into the importance of showing respect for our ecosystem. It is a well thought out and entertaining novella sure to leave the reader captivated.
Andrew Weston,
Books by other authors,
For the Love of the Gods,
Pagan Writers Press,
Friday, August 23, 2013
Book Tour & Giveaway - Imperfection by Phaedra Seabolt
Imperfection (Pure Blood)
At the center of a war brewing between two packs: her son
Meara Falk always followed her parents' rules, until one night in March when the temptation to let loose changed her life forever.
Nine months later, disowned and with a baby on her hip, she discovers werewolves exist after being on the wrong end of some teeth and claws. During her first change, werewolves attack, stealing her son and driving her out of her home.
Now she’s looking for the man who kidnapped her baby and turned her life upside down. Meara's son is in the middle of a threatened war between two powerful packs. Getting him back will jeopardize the lives of everyone she loves.
On Sale for Only $0.99 for the Tour! Follow the Book Tour Hayson Publishing is giving away 3 swag packs (Water bottle, bookmark from swag shop, and $10 Amazon GC) for the tour. Fill out the form below to enter a Rafflecopter giveaway
Available on Amazon
Follow the author on Goodreads / Literary Addicts / Amazon / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google + / Website About the Phaedra Seabolt Phaedra Seabolt is the youngest of four and the only girl. She spent her childhood trying to be the best she could be at everything she did which drove her to attend college long enough to attain her master's degree. Now she is a stay at home mom and happily married.On Sale for Only $0.99 for the Tour! Follow the Book Tour Hayson Publishing is giving away 3 swag packs (Water bottle, bookmark from swag shop, and $10 Amazon GC) for the tour. Fill out the form below to enter a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thursday, August 22, 2013
#PromoBlast: "Demon (Dark Musicals #2)" by Laura DeLuca @authorldeluca #yaromance

by Laura DeLuca
Young Adult Romance
Categories: Mystery/Thriller
Publisher: Pagan Writers Press
Release Date: April 28, 2013
Heat Level: Sweet
Word Count: 95,950
Available at:
Amazon | B&N | Smashwords
When Justyn and Rebecca set off for the New York School of Performing Arts, they think their dreams are about to come true. To their dismay, they aren’t in high school anymore, and the competition is steep. Rebecca must compete against accomplished singers for a role in the production of Demon Barber, including a stunning Gothic diva with her sights set on Justyn.
It doesn't help that things keep disappearing from their apartment or that Rebecca's father refuses to accept that Justyn is an essential part of her life. Yet, all this seems minimal in comparison to the serial rapist terrorizing the campus.
Consumed by fear and obsessed with revenge, Rebecca and Justyn start living the story of Sweeney Todd—both on and off the stage.

August 22, 2013
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy Too!
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Jody's Book Reviews, Giveaways & Tours
Ms. ME28
The YA Café

Laura "Luna" DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and four children. She loves writing in the young adult genre because it keeps her young at heart. In addition to writing fiction, Laura is also the sole author of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. She is an active member of her local pagan community, and has been studying Wicca for close to eight years. Her current works include Destiny, Destiny Unveiled, Phantom, Morrigan, Player, and Demon.
Connect with Laura DeLuca
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
Dark Musicals Trilogy,
Laura DeLuca,
My Books,
young adult
Book Spotlight - Stolen Moments by Tara Mills
knew what Neil wanted when he called, what they both wanted. Did she dare? Was
an hour of passion worth the lies, broken commitments, and the risk of getting
caught? Yes.
Acutely aware she was the only woman in the place, she
felt every set of eyes track her walk through the bar. Leaving several stools
between herself and the next patron, she hung her purse off the back and used
the rung under the chair to hop up onto the elevated seat. The bartender
sauntered her way and Ella made her hushed request, "White wine,
He had to uncork a new bottle but she was relieved to see
it was a decent California label.
Now she waited, sipping her wine. The negligible amount
of calm she'd possessed when she walked in here faded with a self-conscious
whimper. She glanced at the door then at her phone once again, checking the
time and warring with herself about calling him. The more uncomfortable she
got, the more she kicked her toe against the foot rail. Unfortunately, the
sound drew the attention of a couple of patrons as well as the bartender. She
hooked her heel over the stool support below. It was the only way to keep from
Ella felt exposed and out of her element sitting in a
place like this, nice as it was, at two
o’clock on a weekday afternoon.
She wanted to fold herself up small enough to hide out in her purse, but that
wasn’t going to happen. The minutes stretched on and her anxiety over being
approached by one of these men increased. She sent out a silent mental message
to those in the room. Just
leave me alone. Ignore me. I’m not here.
A subtle brush, very faint across her back, made her
turn. The warm body and even warmer smile on the handsome face gazing down on
her caused Ella’s heart to start beating in double time. She breathed a big
sigh of relief.
Neil looked too good for words.
He casually drew his hand over the back of her chair, his
finger teasing her as it skimmed across her shoulder blades. His smile deepened
when she let out a soft, involuntary moan.
“I hoped you’d come. You look beautiful, Ella.” He slid
onto the stool next to her.
She felt the heat of her blush, the pounding of her
heart. “You know I can’t stay long. I shouldn’t have come in the first place.
Neither should you. What are we doing? If anyone sees me I don’t how I could
possibly explain this.”
“I understand your fear.” He covered her hand and gave it
a squeeze. “We’ll be careful. You need to trust me. Try to relax.”
"I’m trying. I am. It’s just ... the more we do
this, the more chances we take that someone is going to find out."
She looked down at Neil’s hand, conscious of the weight,
the strength in it resting over her own. Oh god, she was going to waver. She
knew she would. She always did—but only for him. All he had to do was ask.
Then it came, his low, seductive invitation. “Stay with
me, please? Give me an hour.”
About the Author:
I write
stories I like to read--contemporary romances with identifiable characters and
themes. Life is hard. Love makes it bearable. If you enjoy stories
with heat and humor, I have a title for you.
I'm a
pampered wife, lucky mom to three amazing sons and one wonderful
daughter-in-law, and I recently became a very young grandma. I should probably
underline the word very. Oh heck, why not the word young too? Nah,
you get the picture. I'm also the daily monitor of one naughty dog with
Join Tara Mills on August 24th at
8PM EST at Crimson Frost Books
Discussion Group on Facebook
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Book Blast & Giveaway - Ragesong Awakening by J.R. Simmons
When the peaceful kingdom of Fermicia is enslaved by a power-hungry renegade, its only hope lies in a band of unlikely heroes: two children whose musical abilities allow them to harness the power of Ragesong, and their shape-changing guides. Jake starts his first day of junior high completely oblivious to the fact that he has been chosen for something incredible. That same afternoon, he learns that he has been marked as one with the power to save an entire kingdom. Through the course of his journey, Jake discovers that his advanced musical abilities are peculiarly connected to a mysterious power known as Ragesong. Joined by a shy, young girl with similar musical talents and two Changelings that hold a fierce loyalty to their homeland and king, Jake must learn to harness this ability in order to survive the dangers of a hostile new world.
Buy on Amazon
About the author:

JR Simmons lives in Northern Utah with his wife and 4 boys. He loves spending time with his family and coaching his kids in all of their different sports. He is an avid gamer and is very excited that his boys are picking up on his hobby. JR was recently introduced to triathlons and has since found that he loves the sport. Most nights he can be found either sitting down with a good game or hunched over his iPad writing.
Blast starts August 21st and the author is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Book Tour & Giveaway - Annie Crow Knoll-Sunrise by Gail Priest
Annie Crow Knoll-Sunrise is the story of a place where people come to restore their spirits, heal their pain and reclaim their
Annie is a determined young woman who is left to run her family's property after the death of her parents. Managing fourteen summer cottages with only the help of a family friend, she struggles to survive on her own. When she meets Drew, a young college professor, Annie thinks she's finally found a love she can trust.
But years of conflict and pain destroy their bond and leave Annie alone again, unless she can find lasting peace and passion in the most unlikely arms.
In this family saga, love, loss and history twine together the people whose lives are changed by Annie's determination and the magic of her knoll nestled along the head-waters of the Chesapeake Bay.
Purchase - AMAZON/BN/SMASHWORDS Gail Priest lives in New Jersey and summers in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay with her husband and their cockatiel. In addition to writing novels, plays and screenplays, she teaches and directs in a high school performing arts program. She loves theater, reading, birding and being out in nature Follow Gail Priest on Facebook / Blog / Literary Addicts / Goodreads Follow the Tour We are giving away 5 swag packs (water bottles, key-chains, and bookmarks) a Rafflecopter giveaway
Purchase - AMAZON/BN/SMASHWORDS Gail Priest lives in New Jersey and summers in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay with her husband and their cockatiel. In addition to writing novels, plays and screenplays, she teaches and directs in a high school performing arts program. She loves theater, reading, birding and being out in nature Follow Gail Priest on Facebook / Blog / Literary Addicts / Goodreads Follow the Tour We are giving away 5 swag packs (water bottles, key-chains, and bookmarks) a Rafflecopter giveaway
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