The truth of God's love is a message many of us have always known, but we need to be reminded of it again and again. In our limited understanding, we have difficulty comprehending it. God has loved you with an everlasting love, and yet no matter how deeply we feel him in our lives, the word of God often goes unheard. This is why, in the noise of the modern world, the simplicity of his message is all too easily lost. Yet while our prayers have no answers we can hear, that does not mean God has no voice. The Voice of Divine Love brings his word to you, brings you the light of God's acceptance, the comfort of his presence and love, and a guiding hand to live your life in his service. It is a chance to hear his voice amongst the raucous chatter of the world and choose to follow his way to righteousness and eternal love.
With this book, written in the hope of drawing others closer to God, helping them understand the depth of his love, and narrated as in the voice of the Almighty, you are provided a retreat in times of stress; not to simply hide from your problems, but to find their true purpose, alongside the purpose in all things. Close your eyes and rest, find solace in knowing that, even when you are alone, he is always at your side, guiding you and taking care of you, in ways no other can. And as you are consoled, as you hear the one guiding voice which no person's life should go without, you will find answers to the questions you have always yearned to ask: why does God allow pain into your life, why do your prayers go unanswered, your wishes unfulfilled?
There is no need to turn inward, to torture yourself for these answers. Simply listen, and understand The Voice of Divine Love. " Audiobook on Audible / Amazon