What made you decide to write a book?
Truth? Fiction? Unique combination of the two? I have always wanted to write a book. Thank you for asking Rebecca. A change a fortune a few months ago gave me enough time to research and write a book.
You write erotica. Why did you choose that genre?
My novel is explicit fiction, erotic fiction, erotica, horror, some readers classify it as occult. It’s been called an allegory. Different readers appear to get something different from Fables of the Reconstruction. Really, it is best left to interpretation by the readers. I am thankful that they are reading it and taking the time to analyze it. Actually, the story and the genre chose me. As many authors will tell you, the characters will ‘talk’ to you until you tell their story.
What makes your books so different?
It begins with and invocation to Pomba Gira, the Goddess of the guitar. It examines the zombie story based on the Haitian and Creole Voodoo legends. It is set in Victorian London, in the notorious Whitechapel District but it has a contemporary, unique ending. It’s a bizarre little book.
How much of your own experiences do you put into your books?
The only personal experiences I have in this book are the love of global cultures, the love of the supernatural and a few very vivid dreams.
I am very open to writing as an experimental art form. After all, I am Southern and there was no bigger proponent of experimental writing techniques than William Faulkner. So many people, even today, get caught up in the mechanics and composition. Writing is an art form and we can go wherever our artistic expression takes us.
If you were in a crowd, how would you stand out?
Great question, yet again. Do you mean how would I stand out or how would my book stand out? Personally, I stand out because I am a woman who is almost six feet tall.
What books are your favorite that you have read more than once?
The Bible, The Mists of Avalon, The Great Gatsby, Interview with the Vampire, Gone With The Wind.
How often do you get to read for pleasure?
What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a writer?
The greatest lesson learned as a writer is that every day and every publication will teach you a new lesson. That, and to trust my artistic instincts.
Have you thought about writing for any other genres?
Yes, I write/blog about music, fashion, and environmental issues. You can find my music blog on Expats Post.
What are you working on now?
Currently, I am in edits for a short story that will be published as part of an anthology from Moon Rose Publishing. The anthology is named A Celtic Tapestry and will be released March 21, 2013. It’s a collection of some of the hottest names in indie publishing and I am honored to be part of the team.
There’s also a series of experimental short stories, sexy vignettes, whatever I decide to add—called Tales from a New Amsterdam. The first story was released last week and it reached #15 on Amazon.com. . There again, I am very appreciative of everyone who took the time to download the storyFables Book 2, Reconstruction of the Fables will be released Spring of 2013 as well.
Much more is on the way. All shall be revealed at a future date.
Thank you for hosting me on your site! Cheers and continued success for 2013!
Hunter, thanks for stopping by.
Readers, you can find out more about Hunter here
Great interview. thank you, Laura. And Hunter, I didn't know you were nearly six feet tall! Me, too!