About the Author

“Luna” DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and
four children. She loves writing in the young adult genre because it
keeps her young at heart. In addition to writing fiction, Laura is
also the editor of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. Her current works include Destiny,
Destiny Unveiled, Phantom, Morrigan, Demon and Player.
eyes scanned the room, from the pale blue sofa to the bloody dent in
the wall. But she didn't need her eyes to know Darron was there. Her
heart sensed his presence before her eyes saw him lying in a heap on the
ground. His body shuttered with occasional spasms, and even though he
wasn't fully conscious, his lips were twisted in a grimace of pain.
Uttering a gasp of surprise, Gabriella flew to his side. She knelt
beside him, and choked back a sob as she took his hand in her own. She
saw his chest rise and fall and was glad to know was alive, but she felt
helpless as she watched his face contort in pain. She noticed something
wet and sticky on her fingertips. She gently titled his head and saw a
large gash that looked like it needed medical attention. The skin
around the gash was so deeply bruised it looked almost black.
"Darron, what happened to you?"
He didn't move or reply. Gabriella moved her hand from the cut on
his forehead, and her fingers dripped with blood. She bit her lower lip
with fear. She knew enough about head injuries to know that the wound
could be serious. She grabbed a few tissues from a box on the coffee
table, and tried to apply pressure to the wound, but it was useless. The
tissues were soaked through in seconds.
"Darron?" She squeezed his hand, and fought back tears of fear and frustration. "Darron, please open your eyes. Please be all right!"
He squirmed and groaned a little in response. Looking at his
contorted features, Gabriella felt incompetent and useless. She didn't
know what to do to help him. The cut must need stitches. The blood was
gushing through her fingertips, and she was sure his life was slipping
away just as quickly.
More than anything, Gabriella wanted to help Darron, to end his
suffering. Her thoughts, her desperation, caused something deep inside
of her to stir. Something that had long been napping was awoken. The
power she had fought so hard to deny was forcing its way to the surface.
This time she didn't struggle against that power. Her instinct to hide
from it was finally overcome by the thought of losing someone else she
cared about.
Gabriella was pulling strength and warmth from the earth, as though her legs were tree roots taking nourishment from the element. A tingling sensation began in the tips of her toes and spread slowly though her body as she breathed in the essence of the element of air. Her blood flowed and grew warm, the element of water, bringing the power to the surface. She was overcome by a vigorous strength as she envisioned her spirit encircled by the element of fire. She felt so powerful that she thought she could stop the world from churning if that was what she wished. Gabriella focused the power, remembering for a moment her mother's lessons. She looked down at her battered friend. She willed him to open his eyes and look at her. She demanded it of him.
Gabriella would have thought it was impossible, but she felt
herself grow warmer. Her face dripped with perspiration. The power
within her reached a climax. Then finally, when she thought she might
burst, she felt the energy release. It seeped through her fingers, and
shined with an illumination that only she could see. She heard herself
chanting unfamiliar words, and scarcely recognized her own voice.
"By the power of earth, water, fire and air,
Heal this man who's in my care.
Goddess, hear your daughter's plea.
As I will it, so mote it be!"
Gabriella repeated the words three times. Three was the number of
power. Then she watched as the wound on Darron's forehead healed before
her eyes, becoming smaller and smaller, until finally it was gone. The
blood was still warm and sticky, but beneath the blood, the skin was
smooth and unmarred. Even the horrible bruise had vanished. Gabriella
stared in open astonishment, marveling at the work she had done.
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Site Name: A Book Lovers Library
Site Link: http://www.abookloverslibrary.com
Site Name:Jess’s Book Blog
Site Link: http://jessbookblog.blogspot.com
APRIL 2Site Name: Hey Wanna See My Indies
Site Link: http://heywannaseemyindies.blogspot.com
Site Name: Second Book to the Right
Site Link: http://2ndbooktotheright.blogspot.com
Site Name: Lebooksquirrel
Site Link: http://Lebooksquirrel.blogspot.com
APRIL 3Site Name: Cherie Reads
Site Link: http://cheriereads.blogspot.com
Site Name: Zach’s YA Reviews
Site Link: Zachsyareviews.com
Site Name: Wanted Readers
Site Link: http://wantedreaders.blogspot.com/
APRIL 4Site Name: WTF Are you Reading?
Site Link: http://www.wtfareyoureading.com
Site Name: My Devotional Thoughts
Site Link: http://mydevotionalthoughts.com
Site Name: Izz “Pingle” Bookish Place
Site Link: http://izzbookishplace.blogspot.com/
APRIL 5Site Name: Half Truth Reviews
Site Link: http://halftruthreviews.blogspot.com
Site Name: Doctor’s Notes
Site Link: http://doctorsnotes-shy.blogspot.com
Site Name: Coffee Bean Bookshelf (Bree Clarkson)
Site Link: http://www.coffeebeanbookshelf.com
Site Link: http://ww.witchycontessa.com
Site Name: A Book Lovers Library
Site Link: http://www.abookloverslibrary.com
Site Name:Jess’s Book Blog
Site Link: http://jessbookblog.blogspot.com
APRIL 2Site Name: Hey Wanna See My Indies
Site Link: http://heywannaseemyindies.blogspot.com
Site Name: Second Book to the Right
Site Link: http://2ndbooktotheright.blogspot.com
Site Name: Lebooksquirrel
Site Link: http://Lebooksquirrel.blogspot.com
APRIL 3Site Name: Cherie Reads
Site Link: http://cheriereads.blogspot.com
Site Name: Zach’s YA Reviews
Site Link: Zachsyareviews.com
Site Name: Wanted Readers
Site Link: http://wantedreaders.blogspot.com/
APRIL 4Site Name: WTF Are you Reading?
Site Link: http://www.wtfareyoureading.com
Site Name: My Devotional Thoughts
Site Link: http://mydevotionalthoughts.com
Site Name: Izz “Pingle” Bookish Place
Site Link: http://izzbookishplace.blogspot.com/
APRIL 5Site Name: Half Truth Reviews
Site Link: http://halftruthreviews.blogspot.com
Site Name: Doctor’s Notes
Site Link: http://doctorsnotes-shy.blogspot.com
Site Name: Coffee Bean Bookshelf (Bree Clarkson)
Site Link: http://www.coffeebeanbookshelf.com
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I am so ready to read this book and am hoping to win too!!
ReplyDeleteI Heart Books sent me!!
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI really want to win them all...I don't have any type of ereader,nor do I have any of Laura's books,especially with her autograph.What a treat this win would be for me.Finger's XX crossed.....
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway!!!
ReplyDeleteI really want to read this book. It sounds very good. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Please enter me. Tore923@aol.com