Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Destiny Unveiled Altar Set at The Whimsical Pixie!
You might remember a few months back I hosted a giveaway for an amazing pagan altar set which was created by Paula from The Whimsical Pixie and inspired by my novel, Destiny Unveiled. Well, Paula never ceases to amaze me! She has now created a another altar set with even more goodies included. Because their is a scene in the book where on the characters have a impromptu beach ritual using seashells and a driftwood wand, she even threw in those items! Here is the description and a few more photos so you can see everything you get with the package.
The book's cover was recreated on the altar box lid; the design was first set in pyrography, painted, stain and given a protective coating of high gloss polycrylic. The flower Celtic knot pentagram is seen and talked about in both books. In the original kit the catch phrase "Unveil your Destiny" was pyrographed on the back of the tile. I have left this one blank allowing you to choose your desired phrase or leave blank. Red paint was floated around the perimeter to coordinate with the Blood Moon of the cover. A red rose in full bloom was used on both millefiori* pieces; the censor and charcoal tongs. It symbolizes the main characters destiny being unveiled.
A scene in the book tells of the young hero doing spell work on the beach using a drift wood wand to cast a circle and sea shells to form a pentagram. Both of these have been included as well as censor sand and a roll of charcoal disks so you can perform your own ritual. Whether you're just starting to walk the path or have for years, this kit makes an attractive addition to your ritual tools.
The retail value of this set is $90.95, which is a great price for so many hand made pieces. But as an added bonus, the first person to make a purchase will also receive a FREE signed copy of Destiny Unveiled. So head on over to the Whimsical Pixie and get your altar set today.
Yuletide in July Sale at the Whimsical Pixie!
The Whimsical Pixie is one of my favorite Etsy shops for all things witchy. Paula, the artist who runs the shop, never ceases to amaze me with her beautiful pagan themed designs. For Yule, she has come up with unique tree ornaments, hard to find Yule cards, and lots of fun gift ideas that can be customized. Why I am mentioning Yule in July? Because the Whimsical Pixie is celebrating Yuletide in July with an amazing sale! Today only (7/31/12), you can save 25% by using the coupon code YULETIDEJULY . Find a great gift for a friend or something for your own altar. If you need a little magic in your life, check out the Whimsical Pixie today!
Guest post by Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
Character Interview: Dasheen Bellamy (Angel) Night School:
Vampire Hunter. Angel
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a book lover, with YA paranormal adventures as her
favorite genre, although she can be a glutton for any young adult title.
Michelle’s other love is writing, Michelle has been writing about as long as
she has been a bibliophile! Losing herself in a fantasy world that she or
others have created is how she loves spending her spare time...
One last thing about Michelle, she
believes that she has her own secret powers:)
Interview by Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
have conducted interviews and now it’s my turn in the hot seat! I am to be
interviewed now, that my book Night School: Vampire Hunter is on tour… I will
say I am nervous by all of this! So to help me out, Angel, from Night School
Vampire Hunter says she will show me how it’s done:) So, why don’t we go see
what she has to say! Thanks all for joining us:)
Angel, I am so glad that you are joining me and helping me out today:)
Oh, no problem:)
I wanted to first start with the question, how does it feel to have an entire
book written about you and your experiences? Now that the book’s going on tour,
that will be even more eyes on you?
It was weird at first, so many people talking about well… I don’t know my life.
I mean… I was just trying to keep myself and my brother alive, (you know…Vamps
can be hazardous…); trying to be a normal kid, when all of a sudden, I have an
audience! But its okay, everyone has been pretty cool, so I’m getting used to
I can only imagine…wow...okay, next question…Have you always known that you
were this phenomenal, wicked, Vamp Hunter, and that with your special essence, it’s
believed, you are destined to change the human and supernatural world forever!..(Um,
take your time with that one:)
Okay, wow…you just put that one right out there huh? Um, no… I didn’t know that
I was to be the key in some type of apocalyptic, battle with mankind…thought I
was just a normal kid that had luck that sucks…But the perks are awesome!…now
that I am trained, I’m getting faster and stronger and learning more moves…I
can even take on Ismet..
For our readers, now who is Ismet again? And also how do you get along with the
other girls?
Ismet is one kick butt Jinn (Genie), she’s not from some bottle that crosses
her arms and blinks on command; She is from an old race of beings that evolved
from Fire…they are the protectors of the Divide…
The Divide?
Yep, I just learned about all of this too…the Divide is the barrier between the
supernatural world (unseen to us) and ours. Ismet was one of the greatest
warriors amongst her people...
How did she end up at Ame’ Academy? There must have been a great threat to
warrant such a fighter to be here???
It was. Me.
Oh…okay…well, how about my second question, do you get along with the other
girls? I believe you all have made somewhat of a team, correct?
We’re a team now, but at first…I wasn’t sure… I’ve always liked Elin (she’s
half Vampire/half Human) the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet, unless you
threatened someone she loves…then wow, she’s scary…and I already told you about
Ismet, I have much respect for her mad skills:)
(Sigh)…and yep, there’s Belladonna, a stuck up Natural- Born Vamp that I am
surprised I haven’t staked yet!
Is it the fact you’re a Hunter and she’s a Vampire? Even though, the Natural-Born
Vamps pose no threat to Humans?
No, it’s from the fact she’s a snob, and always trying to give me a makeover!
Me: Lol….well, I’m sure ALL of you make a great
team, you are really cleaning up Kincaid Texas:)…but aren’t you’re leaving out
someone….Rafael? What IS your relationship with him?
think you would bring HIM up! Well, he’s just RAF…he’s my friend...He sort of
just showed up at Ame, and well that’s when things got really weird! Then
things got really bad…dark, and when I didn’t think I had anyone, well Raf was
Alright:) What is Rafael? His mad skills?:)
Um, I rather not say…he just is…:)
Fair enough, thanks for the interview!
See, not so bad right? Even though, you threw in some tough questions!
Lol, well, you’re a good sport! I guess will wrap this up…see you around Ame’
Night School:Vampire Hunter Bk.1 (Angel) by Michelle Cornwell-Jordan Review
Fifteen year old Dasheen Bellamy’s world is turned upside down, when she is accused of killing her father and godmother. Dasheen cannot remember the events of the night her world was destroyed, but she feels inside that she is innocent; due to lack of evidence against her and with no other family; Dasheen and her younger brother Jordan, are sent to the elusive and mysterious Ame’ Academy ; a residential school where all is not what it appears.
There all goes well, until Jordan, begins to become distant and behave strangely as if he is afraid of something or someone. Jordan is transferred to Ame’ Academy’s Night School track, which is usually only open to special cases.
In order to discover what is happening with her brother, Dasheen is finally allowed to also transfer, attending classes in the evening while the rest of the world sleeps.
Soon Dasheen’s world changes again as she discovers that things out of fairytales and horror stories exist, that she has ancient powers and is the major player in a mystical prophecy; and then she falls in love with a boy, whose mission is to see that she is destroyed before her destiny is fulfilled…
About the Author
Bio: Michelle
Cornwell-Jordan is a book lover, with YA paranormal adventures as her favorite
genre, although she can be a glutton for any young adult title. Michelle’s
other love is writing, Michelle has been writing about as long as she has been
a bibliophile! Losing herself in a fantasy world that she or others have
created is how she loves spending her spare time...
One last thing about Michelle, she
believes that she has her own secret powers:)
My Thoughts (Five Stars)
With all the vampire books coming out in the last few years, its nice to find one that is unique and original, and Night School fits that bill. The novella tells the tale of a teenager who has mysteriously lost her family. Right before they disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood behind, Dasheen sees a terrifying little girl who continues to haunt her. Now she is in an orphanage of sorts that has a special group of kids who attend school at night. At first, everything seems kosher, even though there are a few teachers and students who are strangely beautiful. But as time goes by, she realizes that night school is there for a reason. She is attacked by rogue vampires and her vampire hunting powers emerge, powers stronger than an other hunter in history. When she confronts other students and teachers about what happened, she learns that the whole school is a cover for the paranormally gifted. There are natural born vampires, hunters, and Djin, all attending Night School with Dasheen, including the handsome and mysterious golden eyed hunter who seems to have a past life connection with her. But all is not well in the school, the rogue vampires who targeted Dasheen are also after her little brother, the only family she last left, and Dasheen will need to find way to save him.
Night School: Vampire Hunter is a quick fun read that both kids and adults can enjoy. The action is non-stop, and every chapter will leave you wanting more. One of the things I thought was really unique about this book, is that it is written as a series of blog posts. As someone who blogs as my profession, I found this delightful. It didn't take away from the story at all. In fact, in made it seem much more realistic and personal. Its like you are following Dasheen's life as she's living it, and experiencing it right along with her. Of course, I also appreciate that Dasheen is a strong female heroine. You can feel her pain over the loss of her family and her worry for her brother, but you never see her as meek or vulnerable. This is a girl that will kick butt and ask questions later. I would recommend this short book to both young and old alike. I can't wait for the next installment, because the cliff hanger ending really left me wanting more.
Gabby's Thoughts- (My 12 yr old's view of the of this book) Five Stars
This book was super cool. I loved Dasheen and the way she stood up for little brother. I felt bad for her losing her parents and never knowing her mom. The little monster girl that keeps popping up kind of creeped me out, but in good, spooky book kind of way. I can't wait for the next one so I can see if Dasheen saves her brother and what happens with the hot hunter Rafael she is already kind of in love with.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Book Spotlight - The Reaper by Jamie Woodhead
Tobias Peters was human until the day he died, trying to save his best friend. Upon the moment of his death, an angel appeared and asked him a favor from God.
“Become the Angel of Death.”
So begins Tobias's long journey through time until the day he falls in love with a mortal. They have a son together, but Tobias's wife is burnt at the stake for the crime of witchcraft and his son goes missing, lost in Time itself.
Tobias is drawn to a young man named Harvey White. Together, they quickly discover that all is not well with the world. The Demons are trying to free Evuhl from its Seal, to bring chaos and destruction to the world. It is up to the Angel of Death to make sure that doesn't happen.
My Thoughts:
The Reaper is the story of the Angel of Death, told unlike any other version you will ever read. In this book, Death is humanized at the same time that he is immortalized. Born a regular man, Tobias chooses to take on the roll of the Angel of Death when his best friend is the first mortal to die. He survives for countless years, but still manages to cling to his humanity. He falls in love and has a child, both of which are lost to him around the time of the witchcraft trials. In the present time, he still searches for his son and grieves for the wife he lost even as he fulfills he daily duties of severing souls. Strangely enough, Tobias finds himself drawn to a job as a high school teacher, and there he begins to find clues to the family that he lost. But it may be too late for a family reunion, because Demons are on the prowl. They intend to release Evuhl from captivity and bring about an early Armageddon. Only The Angel of Death has the power to defeat the demons, but will his family and friends pay the ultimate price.
While I was reading The Reaper, I was amazed at how many elements of mythology and religion the author was able to blend into this novel. You will learn about pagan magic, meet archangels, encounter ancient deities, travel through time, see heroes achieve immortality, and so much more. The story is fast paced and exciting with surprises around every corner, and a cliff hanger ending that will leave you wanting more. This is a wonderful novel and a fun read. When you consider that the author was only a teenager when this book was penned, you can only expect the next book in the series to be even better.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
My First Official Fangirl!
Back in January (I think) I hosted a giveaway for a prize pack of odds and ends as part of my Phantom cover reveal. The winner of the giveaway was from Poland. For some reason, I found this very exciting, and even though it wasn't part of the prize pack, I threw in a signed copy of my debut novel, Destiny. If I never get a chance to travel the world, I figured at least my book would! I had no idea at the time that the winner was a blogger or an actual teenager! Of all the people who have read my books (that I've talked to), not one has been a teen. Yet, this is the age group I'm geared towards. So now I was beyond excited and moving into elated! I started following her blog, which is called Disincentive Reviews.
It took awhile for the book to reach her, and when it did there were exams and schoolwork that took precedence. When she finally started reading, she tweeted updates and posted her progress on good reads. She also comments regularly on my blog posts. I was so overwhelmed with all her support. She also had some technical difficulties which delayed things, but with that finally resolved, she posted her review today. It was definitely worth the wait! She completely made my day, and I feel like I have a real fan! The kind of fan every writer dreams of having. Here is just a sample of what she had to say:
Laura handles a lot of topics… Easily. Want a list? Homosexuality, alcoholism, rape, sex (everything PG), murder, cancer, orphans, religion, friendship… So many topics and everything was developed and described perfectly.
You can read the full review here. I am really impressed with how well Disincentive expresses her opinions, not only because of her young age, but also because English is not her native language. I see a budding author here! If you want to get the skinny on some really great YA books and even some adults titles, her blog is a great one to follow. She is always honest and I have found some pretty interesting reads thanks to her suggestions. Stop by her blog to say hello and be sure to tell her that I sent you!
You can get your copy of Destiny for only $.99 for the e-book or $14.95 for the print copy on amazon!
Friday, July 27, 2012
FREE TODAY!! OLD JACOB (The "Old" Adventures of Hailey and Jared Series 1)
The copper smell was overwhelming, then it hit me, blood smelled like copper. Behind me I heard a crazy high-pitched laugh!
It was the last day of summer before school started. Hailey and her best friend Jared wanted it to be a day to be remembered but when they went on their new adventure to Old Jacob's mine it ended up being a day they would want to forget!
Even though Hailey is a girl, you'd have to call her a tomboy as she loves adventures with her best friend Jared and has no problem getting in and out of spooky situations! She, Jared and her beloved bike Blue manage to keep their lives pretty exciting and sometimes they are not sure whether it's ghosts or just their imagination. You'll just have to decide which one it ends up being!
It was the last day of summer before school started. Hailey and her best friend Jared wanted it to be a day to be remembered but when they went on their new adventure to Old Jacob's mine it ended up being a day they would want to forget!
Even though Hailey is a girl, you'd have to call her a tomboy as she loves adventures with her best friend Jared and has no problem getting in and out of spooky situations! She, Jared and her beloved bike Blue manage to keep their lives pretty exciting and sometimes they are not sure whether it's ghosts or just their imagination. You'll just have to decide which one it ends up being!
You can get this fantastic middle grade book for FREE on Amazon today! My nine year old son loves these series! Don't miss you chance to check it out for free.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Free Blogger Event - Feed Your Hunger Giveaway
Prize Package includes: Hunger Games Trilogy Books and Hunger Games Blu-Ray Combo Pack
The event dates: 8/4 – 8/18
You will receive one link at no cost as a thank you for participating in this event Prize Package includes: Hunger Games Trilogy Books and Hunger Games Blu-Ray Combo Pack The event dates: 8/4 - 8/18 Requirement to join * Have at least 2,000 facebook fans * Agree to post the giveaway html on the date the event begins and promote daily Additional links {$2 each} - You may only purchase up to 3 additional links
To sign up to be part of this awesome event, just fill out the form here.
Book Spotlight - The Scullery Maid by Shiralyn Lee
Sally McGuire is an Irish girl working as a scullery maid for Mr and Mrs Cox. The story is set during the Victorian era and with snippets of Jack the Ripper murders lurking in the background sets the scene for a story based in London's city.
Sally is soon introduced into a life of sexual play and BDSM with Mrs Cox, or Lidia as she likes to be known as, playing the part of Sally's mistress. Love, lies and murder are the focus of this storyline.
Now available is the short prequel to this story. Love for Lidia. It tells how and why Lidia became the woman she is when she meets Sally.
About the Author
Born in England I emigrated to Canada with my wife in 2007. This is where my first novel was created. Loving the Pink Kiss, a romantic lesbian comedy. From there I have written a short story, Cherry Knocking, an erotic short tale about Ash. I have several stories that I am currently working on and my next novel, Pink Crush, is based on a lesbian firefighter living in London England. I now live just outside of Vancouver BC where I get my inspiration from. I am a true romantic at heart but I also love to write erotic stories so I tend to combine the two together.
My list of works now include,
Sex, Bondage and Branding
Sex, Power and Intimacy
Sex, Ropes and Chains
Vampire Changeling
Erotic Spirits
Pink Seduction
This biography was provided by the author or their representative.
Where to Buy
You can find The Scullery Maid on Amazon for only $.99! This spicy short is a wonderful summer read, so pick up for your copy today!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Compaq Black 15.6" Presario - Free Blogger Event
Prize: Compaq Black 15.6" Presario Giveaway Open to: Worldwide (residents outside of the US will receive a $300 Walmart Gift Certificate instead The event dates: August 9 - August 30 Requirement to join Free Facebook link Additional links {$1 each} - You may only purchase up to 4 additional links (options include facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, pinterest, rss or email) Co-host {$25} - taking 5 co-hosts for this event - benefits - your blog name/business in the html of every participating bloggers post, host a page of likes/follows and 4 entries on the rafflecopter! ~ Update ONLY 2 spots left!!! ~ Facebook and Twitter Page Host: $10 NON-PUBLISHER - For this event I will accept non-publishers as well. Meaning business, blogs, etc may join without being required to publish the giveaway html. The cost to join this event as a non-publisher is $20 for up to 2 links.
To sign up for this event, just fill out the form here
#WinThisBag HipSwap Giveaway Grand Finale
Welcome to Our Grand Finale of

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"Win This Bag"
Sponsored by
Hosted by
Sidetracked Mom’s Blog
It's finally here! The Grand Finale of the Win This Bag series of giveaways is here!! We've combined weeks 5 and 6 into a two-week long giveaway giving you the double the opportunity to increase your odds of winning by completing the daily bonus entries!
You'll have from 7/24/12 through 8/6/12 to claim as many entries as you possibly can! If you can remember to revisit your favorite blog to claim your daily bonus entries, you’ll have a huge advantage (2 weeks worth!) over the rest of the competition!
But before we announce the Grand Finale bag, here are a few words about our sponsor who made this entire 6 weeks worth of giveaways possible! 

HipSwap is a mobile and web marketplace that connects buyers and sellers locally and nationally. It enables people to discover what’s inside the most fabulous closets, homes, and shops in neighborhoods and cities across America. HipSwap currently offers delivery service in Los Angeles and New York with its iconic pink delivery van.
Also, be sure to swing by the HipSwap blog to check out their ever popular post on how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag!
So, far HipSwap has generously supplied us with a Fendi Spy Bag, a Louis Vuitton bag, a white leather Tod’s hanbag and a Gucci Hobo Bag! Are you ready for the brand that will be featured in our Grand Finale?!
This week, you have the chance to win an authentic Chanel tote worth $1,300!

This beige quilted leather Chanel tote is a one-of-a-kind find. It features a black leather trim and large "CC" on side to make it easily distinguishable as the one of the world’s most prestige designer brands.
Dimensions: 11" x 10" x 5" with 7" straps. Estimated Value: $1300
This beautiful handbag was provided by the amazing DoubleTake Consignment Boutique of New Jersey.
The DoubleTake Consignment Boutique first opened its doors in Short Hills, New Jersey in 1992. From day one the store has been packed with women who understand the advantages and value of consignment shopping. DoubleTake only accepts the highest quality & current designer clothing and accessories and has been recognized as a unique clothing boutique where huge savings can be realized.
How to gain entries in this giveaway:
There is only one mandatory entry option; and that is to create a free HipSwap account. However, by entering on this blog through the Giveaway Tools widget below, you have the opportunity to gain a large number of bonus entries! You can complete as many or as few bonus entries as you’d like but remember, the more you do, the better your odds of winning! Plus, once you are following all of your hosts, entering each subsequent weekly Win This Bag Giveaway will be even faster & easier! As promised, you’ll find additional bonus entries to claim for having entered our previous weekly Win This Bag Giveaways!
Good luck!
Giveaway begins on 7/24/12 at 12:01am EST & ends on 8/6/12 at 11:59pm EST.
Open worldwide.
The Giveaway Tools Widget will load below this line. For those of you not familiar with Giveaway Tools, it is VERY similar to Rafflecopter but has been said to be a faster & easier way to enter giveaways. Let me know what you think! As always, thank you for visiting my blog and entering our giveaways! Good luck to you!

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This giveaway is open to entrants worldwide 18 years of age or older, except where prohibited by law. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook and is Facebook-compliant. To qualify to win, you must complete, at minimum, the mandatory entry on the Giveaway Tools form. All entries will be forwarded to our sponsor for the purpose of randomly selecting a winner. Winners will be notified by email from a HipSwap representative. Winners will have 72 hours to respond or risk forfeiting their prize. Prize may re-awarded solely by the Sponsor’s discretion. Prize fulfillment is the sole responsibility of the sponsor. This blog may not be held liable for Sponsors who do not fulfill prize shipments. The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. We reserve the right to publicly publish winners’ names and/or likeness. By entering this giveaway, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Book Spotlight! Tropical Cougar by Tamarias Soana
Will one night with an older woman change everything?
After finding the love of his life in bed with someone else,
twenty-six-year-old Seth Reynolds wanted a fresh start and found it in Jamaica.
Being a bartender at one of the island's exclusive resorts has its perks...not
the least of them being a very sexy, older woman: Sylvia Radcliff. While she's
determined to celebrate her forty-fifth birthday, Seth is equally determined to
seduce the most enchanting woman he’s ever met.
Tamaria Soana is middle aged, but just feels like her life
has begun. She resides in Western New York. Cuddling up with a good book under
an electric throw has always been her way to escape the cold Buffalo nights.
Growing up she always loved to write, mainly short stories and poetry. She's
married with two beautiful young girls and one very spoiled lab mix.
Seth woke to the smell of eggs and coffee. Sylvia had
ordered them breakfast.
"Get up, sleepyhead, breakfast is here," she said,
crawling up his naked body.
"I would rather have you for breakfast, but you have a
robe on."
"I couldn't answer the door naked, could I?"
"No, I guess not," he whispered, reaching to tug
on the belt of her robe.
"The food will get cold," she replied as she
playfully pushed him away.
Seth let out a laugh. "I don't care. I just need a
taste. I'll make it quick; just trust me," he said as he hovered over her.
He looked into her blue eyes and smiled when she nodded, giving him all the
incentive he needed. He leaned down and kissed her lips before traveling down
her body. He took each nipple in his mouth and sucked hard before he pushed her
legs apart, and his tongue found heaven "Mmmm, you taste so sweet."
He moaned into her warm flesh.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Coming Soon! Morrigan Cover Reveal- Help Spread the Word and Build Your Following - Free Blogger Event!!
If you haven't heard the news, my newest YA novel, Morrigan, will be released October 5th, 2012 through Ruby Lioness Press! I've actually had the cover done for quite a while, but of course I couldn't share it until everything was official. The reveal will take place sometime in August, and I want to celebrate with a big giveaway! So far, the giveaway includes a $20 Amazon GC, a signed copy of Destiny, a rose quartz pendant, three packs of incense, three crystal points, a crystal pendant, and a geode. I also have a few other sponsors who might be taking part, including The Sisters Elemental, who will be creating a custom set of runes as well as a few other items.
I thought this time around, I'd try something a little different that my normal giveaways. If you are willing to help me spread the news about my new book by posting the book cover and giveaway on your blog, I will add one of your networks to the rafflecopter entry form. If you do a preview post, letting other bloggers know about this opportunity by posting it on your blog, I'll add two free entry links to the rafflecopter form. Choose any networks you like, including but not limited to face book, twitter, GFC, newsletters, pinterest and more. I will provide all the information. You just need to cut and paste it into your blog. Its super easy and only takes about five minutes. I have taken part in many giveaways like this and it has helped boost my following tremendously on both face book and twitter! If you are interested in taking part in this event, just fill out the Bravenet form found here.
Now,this is my first time attempting this sort of event, so please be kind and have patience with me if any issues arise. I am hoping this event can be successful for all those who participate and that it will be tons of fun!
Book Review - AlmaMia Cienfuegos: a Story of Blood, Scars and Nightmares by Magaly Guerrro
In dreams, nine-year-old AlmaMia Cienfuegos chokes on the tears and
blood that bubble out of her eyes, while her sister, Soledad, gloats
over the younger girl’s broken body.
Mamabuela, AlmaMia’s grandmother, insists Soledad means no harm; and AlmaMia knows the difference between nightmares and reality, but her sister still frightens her. When AlmaMia refuses to hand in a family heirloom, Soledad’s rage sends the Cienfuegos family over the edge.
Set in the Dominican Republic, “AlmaMia Cienfuegos” tells a story where blood deceives, nightmares rot, and sisters wage war on each other.
Mamabuela, AlmaMia’s grandmother, insists Soledad means no harm; and AlmaMia knows the difference between nightmares and reality, but her sister still frightens her. When AlmaMia refuses to hand in a family heirloom, Soledad’s rage sends the Cienfuegos family over the edge.
Set in the Dominican Republic, “AlmaMia Cienfuegos” tells a story where blood deceives, nightmares rot, and sisters wage war on each other.
MagalyGuerrero writes, reads, and dreams dark
fiction. She is the author of Pagan Culture, a blog about everyday life through the eyes of a dark fiction writer.
Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and at www.magalyguerrero.com.
Where to Buy
Get you copy of AlmaMia Cienfuegos: a Story of Blood, Scars and Nightmares on Amazon for only $.99.
My Thoughts:
I have been a follower of Magaly's blog, Pagan Culture, for almost two years now. As hectic as my schedule can be, her blog is one of the few I try to read each day. I love her commentary, her wit, and most of all, her flare for dark fiction. Since I was already familiar with her writing style, I was anxious to devour her first published work. It wasn't a disappointment. Magaly has an amazing ability to touch the soul with her words. As you follow little AlmaMia through her trials, you will laugh and you will weep. Mostly you'll weep. This little girl endures more than any child should have to bare. She is subjected to the abuse of a wicked older sister and a mother who cares little for her second born child. She is also haunted by "things that bleed and rot", and ridiculed by her sister. The only bright side in AlmaMia's life is her Mamabuela, who shelters her from the rest of the family and the ghosts that haunt her.
Magaly presents a realistic painting of life in the Caribbean and gets into the mind of a child in a way that is no less than astounding. The elements of magic in the story are enchanting. I love the idea of a charm bracelet that has protected the Cienfuegos family for generations, and its easy to love the crone who guards her granddaughter from the monsters on both the physical and spiritual realm. At the end of the story, shocking family secrets are revealed that left me wide eyed with wonder, and definitely wanting more from his fabulous author! I am hoping to see a full length novel from her in the near future. In the meantime, the $.99 for this short story is a worthy investment.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Phantom Review & Giveaway at Maria's Space!
My wonderful friend Maria over at Maria's Space has just finished reading Phantom, and I'm so happy that she liked it enough to give it a five star rating! One of the things she said was,"This is my third Laura DeLuca book and what I can tell you about Laura is that you can tell that she really loves creating her characters. Each character in Phantom is important to the story and all very well rounded. I wonder if she has a back story for each one! I wouldn't be surprised." She was no idea how right on this statement really is. Every single character in Phantom has a real life back story. Learn a little about the Many Masks of Phantom in this post.
In addition to sharing her thoughts, Maria is also hosting another fun giveaway that includes all the items shown in the photo above. It includes a signed copy of Phantom, a geode, a polished geode slice, three crystal points, and two boxes of incense. Head over to Maria's blog to enter.
If you want to get a copy of Phantom for yourself, you can order the e-book for $3.99 or the print version for $15.73 on Amazon.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Phantom: Top Pick at Night Owl Reviews!
Night Owl Reviews is a pretty large online book review site. Back in April, I sent them the PDF of Phantom when it was first released. Then I had to sit back and wait and wonder. I had actually almost forgotten that I sent it to them until I saw my name mentioned in a tweet. This website is known for their brutal honestly. So, I timidly clicked the link. I was actually so nervous, I made my daughter read it first. It wasn't until she started yelling it was a top pick that I finally read it myself. I still can't believe it! I am just so excited and honored that they liked Phantom that much! Here is just a little of what the reviewer had to say:
"Phantom is a charming story that anyone who is familiar with the story of the Phantom of the Opera will simply adore. The characters are all very well written and developed and the story blends the two story lines seamlessly together. There is just enough sweet, tender romance to make a heart melt, and more than enough adventure to make a heart race. This is a novel I thoroughly enjoyed reading. And the “who is the Phantom” line of the story will throw a major curveball when the Phantom is revealed. This novel is delightful, charming, and immense fun to read. Fans of Phantom or anyone looking for a sweet romantic adventure will love this book."
To read the full review, you can visit Night Owl Teen. Subscribe to their newsletter or keep them bookmarked, because they are a great resource for books in all different genres. And stay tuned because in the fall I will be taking part in a fun scavenger hunt on their website. There will be tons of fun prizes to win, all keeping with the Halloween/Samhain Spirit!
If you want to get a copy of Phantom for yourself, you can order the e-book for $3.99 or the print version for $15.73 on Amazon.
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